First paid work, Need some opinions and help.


Jun 12, 2009
QLD, Australia
Yeah most of this is programmed (obviously) but it's all I can really do in a small apartment living 3.5hrs away from the band. Anyway, when the band sent me files to mix, the guitars sucked. Band is only about 16-17yo so their still kids. I re played them all myself and edited them to shit. Band loves how it turned out. But yeah, as I'm getting paid for this I want this to turn out better than what it is.

I don't think I'm all that good at mixing vocals, especially ones that i haven't recorded. These are a sm58 hand held through a line 6 tone port. I also have never tried editing vocals as much as I have done with guitars. I don't really know if slip editing will work on them.

SONG: Will turn/NUMBERED ROUGH 1.0.1.mp3

If anyone can help me to get the vocals to sit a lot better I will be very happy with how this sounds. I having trouble getting them to be loud enough without clouding everything up.

Much appreciated.
The whole mix is lacking high end, and is a bit cloudy/muddy. If you compressed the vocals more and added more high end to the drums and guitars I think everything might sit better.