First Paid Job (need feedback) !


Jul 8, 2010
So fucking tired of the shitty mix. Retracked everything (except bass), blend the snare with a different sample, changed the amp sim + cab impulse. Cutted guitars really tight (maybe too much :/). This mix is going nowhere. Did nothing for the sliced riff because the band wants it exactly like that (young folks, they'll get better:rolleyes:) Here's the latest ''update'' :

Alright guys so this is my first paid job. It's a band of 15-16 yo guys doing some pretty generic metalcore stuff but I take it as good mixing practice. They were looking for a sound like AA on Stand Up And Scream. We didn't have much time to track bass and guits so that's why it's a bit sloppy. I know the bass and guitars have no punch at all because they only have ''no-name'' instruments. Also the bassist insisted on playing with fingers instead of a pick :err: Whatever, I just want some feedback on the mix in general and some tips to get a better mix, more polished. (still no automation, no edit, really raw). Keep in mind that I don't have Pod and SSD.

Drums are all samples
Guitars are : Gate > TSE 808 > Lepou Le456 > ASEMRecto V30 > EQ
Bass is : TSE B.O.D > Ampeg SVX > Lot of compression > EQ

P.S : Guitars and bass were recorded directly to interface (Presonus Firebox) wich pre-amps are really bad :(
Drums sound completely artificial... and the mix lacks glue overall.

And the panning at the "guitar intro" is annoying.
Thanks for your input. About the panning it's just hard panned left 100 - right 100, they just played really sloppy. The drums sound artificial because I didn't edit them already (still really raw mix). I KNOW it needs more glue but that's why I'm here... Like I already know that, I want tips to know HOW to glue everything together...
Guitars are sloppy, in time, just really staggery. that verb is way over done on the snare, and the snare is too loud, the hard panning on the guitar riff before it properly kicks in is too obviously sliced, leave a second or two before the riff comes in.

Glueing is just a matter of light compression on groups/busses mainly. Small ratio of maybe 1:5 - 2 on the drums with a threshold so you're seeing about 4-5db gain reduction. Try not to overdo it though. Realistic samples that go well with each other is another big factor
Okay, thanks dude I'll take in consideration what you said. For the snare I just really don't know what to do... The sample is pretty ''short'', I made like a reverb tail because otherwise it sounds really dry. On the master bus there's a compressor with a ration of 1.2, do I have to go further? Also I feel like the OHs really don't sit well, any tips about that?
1.2 should be fine you can go a bit further if you'd like, just adjust the threshold to where it sounds good.
as for oh's, for the most part they're okay. When it comes in and the hi-hats are going though they seem a bit too hyped in the high end, I'd back off it a bit.

For the snare's reverb just bring the level of the reverb down.
Ok ok, and about the levels, like do you think guitars are too loud? Should I give more grind to the bass?
When you say drums are samples, do you mean you replaced them with Drumagog or Trigger or do you mean you used a MIDI drum insturment.

The problem with the snare is that it's literally the exact same sample every time. Doesn't matter if it's a soft hit or a loud hit, it's the same exact wav at different volumes.

Also those cymbal chokes are cut so short it's wayyyyy too obvious it's just a sample.

Now that I listen more to It I think the problem is that EVERY individual drum hit is the exact same.
Yeah I know... The sample I used doesn't have any ''multisample'' it's only one fucking sample but I think it sounds quite decent so I don't know. There's no drum rolls (ok there's one, I'll fix that) or any blasts so for the ones who will listen to their EP I don't think they will notice that every hit is the same. And I used SD2.0 then soloed the kick, export, drumagog. Same thing for snare and OHs (yeah those are also samples - shame on me-)
Guitars are at a good level, the grind thats already on the bass is a bit nasty. It's kinda fizzy Low pass it and maybe turn the treble down on the sim or whatever you're running it through. Also there's a shiteload of free samples on the web, just spend a day downloading them and organising them and you'll be set.
In fact I already have a bunch of samples but the fact is that the multisamples I have (for snare) sound shitty. Also I cannot download Metal Foundry, too big for my computer. Would you recommand me to use SD2.0's OHs ?
thumbs up for you guys, finally some good advise for a guy struggling with his mix, became quite a fashion to only comment on already good tracks with "this is the br00tz"
^ Totally agree with you. There's too many guys here just fooling around, looking for presets or making fun of begginners. We have to help each other, that's the only way to improve. Thanks again for your comments guys !
I'm not familiar with SD but I when im doing my own stuff (i.e. stuff without a drummer) I'll just use Erkan's (guy on the forum) cymbal samples because I like the way they sound. I have Addictive drums but the cymbals on their are kind of washy and white noisy IMO
I also have AD but I don't use it because of the same reason. Actually I used Erkan's pack. What do you do to make your cymbals more natural (when it's programmed drums) ?
well erkans already sound pretty natural, you could add a small bit of room reverb, I rarely do that though.The Snare is your main concern for a natural sound. You don't want one sample triggering over and over, you want it programmed well taking into account the left and right hand and the accent on each hand and you'll want to compress it carefully so you dont a) squash it to shit b) kill its range and get back to square 1 of it sounding more or less like the same hit.
Yeah I know, but is it possible to have a natural feel to a snare that is triggered by only one sample? I don't think so..
In fact I already have a bunch of samples but the fact is that the multisamples I have (for snare) sound shitty. Also I cannot download Metal Foundry, too big for my computer. Would you recommand me to use SD2.0's OHs ?

They're too big for your computer? Like hard drive space wise? No offense but how big is your main system drive? Or any of your drives for that matter.
I have two hard drives, one 500g and one 750g. I have the space for the 30g of metal foundry's samples but my CPU is already freaking out with more than 15 vsts in one cubase project -_-. Sucks so bad that I have to do my drums in a completely different project then export it when I'm satisfied and then mix the drumtrack with the bass and guitars.
Alright so here's an update mix :

Edits : Changed Lepou456 for good ol' TSE X50. EQed a tad differently. Panned the cymbals. Less volume and reverb on the snare. Cutted bass tighter. Added two synth lines. Went harder on the master bus compressor (maybe too much).

Tell me if it's any better :confused:
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