First post in here / real drums...need help and constructive critisizm...


Dec 26, 2009
(if you could right click save as....)

This is in the preproduction stage. Need opinions on how to go forward...

Vocals? Sound wierd. I need most opinions about them. Do you guys like the timbre of the vocals? Anybody like/dislike them?

drums need to be edited, solo tone sucks...rhythm guitar tone ok??? Solo was a throwaway/placeholder. drums? mixing? bass?

Any help is appreciated...

I think everything sounds ok, exept the main vocals. Sounds like he is singing in a box or something. I think they need to be more upfront. Cool song btw!
damn what is that one the vox? have you pitchshifted them or so? or is it a strange chorus? i dont know....unacceptable imo^^
guitars could use some more meat for my tastes...
overheads are a bit loud maybe
wow these vocals are incredibly well mixed even tought i hate the sound of them.

Do you dislike that tunnel sound or the timbre? I had a very hard time getting these vocals to sight right.

They are compressed around 30db, heavy reverb and then have a 10ms delay left and right.

KEEP THE HELP COMING GUYS!!! This is my first time recording/mixing/mastering anything in the world.
Yeah, this technique is cool if you're adding in some layers behind it (Otero does it all the time, and I've used it on every project I've done in the last two years).

You double the track, pan hard L/R or maybe 60/60 if you want it a bit tighter to the main line, and then shift one back 10ms and one forward 10ms.

But I'd never do this on a main vocal - it just makes it sound hollow empty with one take. If you want that kind of widening, use a split harmonizer pitch shifting the left side -9cents and the right side +9cents and blend it to taste.
Vocals are incredibly compressed (30dB you say? o_O), and could use a lot of de-essing. I don't know, I almost only hear the kick and snare, maybe push up a little the guitars and bury a little more the vocals into the mix?