First Post: Some "noob" questions


New Metal Member
Oct 29, 2012
Hey everyone,
First post on the forum after lurking for a bit. Seen a lot of really good Impulse threads lately and decided it was time to get "official" so I could ask some of my "beginner" questions.

I'm a guitarist trying to get into the recording side of things again and I'm blown away at some of the quality of the clips and stuff posted on the forum. Looks like there are some professionals and professional studio owners on the forum as well!

A little about the gear I'm working with:
- Cubase LE 5 and a Tascam US1800 interface
- Guitar (PRS Singlecut) -> Mesa Recording Pre and 2:90 Poweramp / Peavey Mace VT Series head -> various effects

One thing I have ALWAYS struggled with is getting "realistic" drum tracks. I tried searching the forum after registering, but my search results came back really weird. I know there are drum "programming" tutorials on here somewhere, but I can't seem to find them. I'm trying to take the next step up from Fruity Loops as that is all I am familiar with. I have toyed with samples a bit, but basically drag and drop of wav files in an audio track in Cubase... very time consuming and "hit or miss" results.

Now with the rise of "impulses" and "IR's", I'm kinda drowning in loads of info, samples, techniques, do's, dont's, etc. I'm still a little unclear on what "re-amping" actually is. Is it a clean guitar input with impulses over it, or is it a dirty input with impulses added after recording?

can someone point me in the right direction of the drum programming 101 threads and maybe the "getting started" section of the forum? :)


Looking forward to learning a lot and applying it towards the recording of my first full track!

Influences: Satriani, Tremonti, Andy Timmons, Petrucci
an impulse is typically used to simulate a cab or room(for reverb) reamping is where you rerecord your clean guitar signal going through an amp or amp simulator. this is done so you can have a choice in tone after the recording and so its easier to make artifact free edits to the guitar tracks. for realistic drums without real drums you will be best off getting something like superior drummer 2 or toontrack metal machine and programming the drums to have a human feel(different velocities and slightly off time)

also everything you asked can be easily found with the search function so dont be afraid to use it or google

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Welcome :)

Ditch the Cubase LE 5 and get REAPER for much more flexibility.

Any good drum sample pack aimed at your target genre + MIDI velocity based sample variation and if possible round robin function to avoid the so called machine gun effect will be OK for you.
An example here:

The "Impulse" is incorrectly used (i am guilty of it too) in place of the "IR" which stands for Impulse Response.
You can find IRs of real reverberating spaces, hardware reverb machines and what is most important for us metalheads and rockmen - guitar amplifier cabinets.
These IRs are made by sending an impulse (a full frequency sweep for cabinets or even a balloon pop for a real cathedral reverb) through the chain you want to emulate.

Yes the search engine on this forum sucks donkeys balls, so it is much better to use Google for that:
site:[url][/url] "your search phrase here"

The "site:url" part will limit results to this forum only.