First Post

Wow, it's awesome to see all you sabb-dwellers here. Thanks for all the warm welcomes from the regulars too. :D

Leper: Just the people you see in this thread, although there might be others who haven't posted here yet. Glad to see you're back around though.

Harry: Did VampE get her registration woes taken care of?

EDIT: Yow! You're gonna make me blush, lily.
Cool! Good to see so many of the old crowd here...

Scarab, VampE hasn't had a chance to get online since the other day...we don't have a computer at home, so we do all our surfing at work. She should be here soon, though...

spikes77...good to "see" ya, dude! Same to all the others.
Ugh, finally! VampE from the old Slayer/Sabbath boards.
I like a lot of different kinds of music. Slayer, Amorphis, SYL, C.O.C., King Diamond, Mercyful Fate, A.I.C., FNM, etc...
And for those of you who don't know this yet, I am married to HarryM who is also just joining this board.
Want to know anything else, just ask.
allthough i appear to be a new member. i am not from any old skewl shit like sabbath or judas, i am not into it it just doesnt fit my persona. i will however admit talent and give them the recognition they deserve. any person or persons that can menipulate the peoples and or other creatures of this eath, are perfect examples of humanities right to take over/kill/control/etc. but that doesnt mean that i like them. i know peoples of such preferances other than mine are ok people, just different. i do however have a tendancey to bring up race, creed,etc.. so take no offence as i am only angry that the white races of america, are not treated as an equal, even though the white races of america are not just of southern ancestory, or other racist groups. one thing that must be said is...

america we are the proud, the ignorant, the unequally treaded, the evil that stikes the world. as american we have to much power, but i stand by that power as we can attack and be attacked but never retaliated against america america land of the not so free.

and to any punkers fuck you punk sux.

and to any anarchists out ther fuck you!!! your ignorance is annoying. and if i meet an anarchist "in your face goes my fist"-best friend "grynd"-
and for you united anarchist grow up!!! unity is government not anarchy so fuck yourselves your even more ignorant than the chaos anarchist!!!

umm thats about it other than if you didnt get it yet...

i hate punkers

i like the in your face ime gonna fuck you up if you fuck with me attitude of punk

i hate punk i said that but werth saying again

ok ime done i think unless you fucking bring it up:mad: :mad:

i would like to meet meet chris barnes, alex webster, goerge "corpseginder" fisher, members of inflames, children of bodom, opeth, nile, steve tucker, any other members of morbid angel, katatonia, napalm death, tristania, nastradameus, eyehategod, celtic frost, marduk, amon amarth, etc.. :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

and what does samling vid pumpen mean in english???
I havn't been home much lately, I've been over at my friends house lately (the drummer for my band, actually) so I havn't had much time to get on the internet. We never did get a demo, so to anyone who wanted to hear us, we pretty much sold out and figured if we wanna get anywhere we have to play shit. I still have hope I will find a drummer for my other band (that wont suck). Eh, at least it's fun to play.
Hello all, I also used to post on the Sabbath bbs. (this is slipchic for all of you who I know)

My musical preferences range from things like:Radiohead and Bjork to Pig Destroyer, Arch Enemy, Immortal and the list goes on and on so I won't waste space with all of it.

So, hello to those I am familiar with as well as those I have yet to know..
Originally posted by VampE
Edmund KemperIII is funny. He is like The Original S.O.H. on acid. heh heh.

LOL!! Oh my god, now that's a funny-as-fuck image. The Original S.O.H on acid...hahahaha. Then again, maybe I just consider it funnier 'cause I know the guy in reality. *giggles*
Hi all, I'm another one from the sabbath bb.

Here are some I've my favourite bands; Dark Angel, Forbidden, Old Slayer, Old Metallica, Testament, Cannibal Corpse, Helloween, Blind Guardian, Dream Theater, SYL, Zimmers Hole, At the Gates, Megadido etc...