First proper mix, any suggestions to make it better?


Jan 18, 2010
Ye Olde England
Howdy lovely people of the Andy Sneap forum, been lurking about on this site for what must be a little over a year now trying to soak up all the information possible and now I've finally got up of my arse to get to recording an entire song rather then just snippets of songs...well thats not entirely true as the last chorus of this song is missing but meh.

Anyways I used a pod X3 live and EZdrummer DFH...I know its not amazing sounding but thats why I've come to hear some criticisms :D key solo drop C.mp3

Let me know what you think and how I can go about making it sound any better!

Thanks in advance
not that bad sounding for a first mix. guitars sound fairly decent from what i can tell. drums... get superior drummer and learn to replace drums with other drum samples so it doesn't sound like you're using EZDrummer. for what you have to work with, not bad at all. keep doing what you're doing man
Cheers dude. I would love to get superior drummer and have every intention of doing so when I next get some money but getting my license for reaper would be a first for me coz I feel I owe it to them for putting out such a good DAW for 'free'.

Any other tips from anyone?