My very first mix


Jun 24, 2008
Wassup guys,

so i recently recorded my band at school and i just finished mixing a very rough demo of the song. Besides some obvious issues lol, I would like to receive some feedback on my mix. if u hate it, tell me why u hate it lol. if u like it, tell me why u like it. Any tips and/or suggestions are more than welcome. Thanks in advance.

P.S. I am nowhere near done mixing this song. I hope to receive some good feedback from everyone so i can make the song sound much better :rock:

Its the very first song on the page...
Guitars sound alright! Drums need a LOT of work, and if you were just using the school microphones and mixers then I'm gonna assume you've got some pretty poor raw tracks to work with (if not, you need to work on your drum mix), so I'd look into sample replacement. The high pitched vocals also sound weird, I'm not sure how to describe. I think the low pitched vocals have too much distortion and processing on them.

There's also WAY too much Master bus compression, the snare pops out like crazy at times.
Thanks alot man. Hopefully ill get a chance to remix it soon since the room where we tracked it is now closed due to the next class coming in. Im gonna hafta sneak in there.

What kinda things should i do to the drum mix? The funny thing about the vocals is that theres very little processing on them (a HPF to clean up the low end) and compression. There are alot of layers and some of them were recorded at different gain levels (noob mistake i knw :(...)

What should i do to the master bus compression? Squash it more? Ease up on it?

Thanks again,