First Quote of the Week!


UM's Resident Asshole
Apr 22, 2003
Maplewood, Minnesota
Ok, so as some of you probably saw, Ian (Dolemite) was HAMMERED tonight. So, I grabbed him and took him back to the hotel (The Artmore) where I was greeted by the hotel manager and bartender, as I passed them taking him up to his suite on the 3rd floor. They asked me if the show was done yet, and I said no that I would talk to them in just a moment, that I just wanted to get my friend to his room. So I got him upstairs, told him that if he got out of his bed that I would kick his ass. So, he passes out, and I walk back downstairs. I approached the bartender and said "Alright, the show will be over in an hour or two, sorry about that. Also, if he gets up, kick his ass or something". And I swear to everything holy, unholy, and everywhere in between, the manager of the hotel looked at me and said "That must be Mr. Ian Katz" I stopped, looked at him and said that it was and asked him how he knew his name. The manager laughed and said "I know his name and his reputation, I'll keep my eye on him for you." I was laughing so hard I had to run out of the door back to the venue... Just wow.
I was sitting outside the venue getting some fresh air when I witnessed Ian being taken, literally taken, back to the hotel. Walking across 17th street....the pants kept getting lower, and lower, and lower....nice boxers Ian. :lol::lol:
I just dont get why someone would pay that much to get down there and pay for a hotel room and the show just to get so drunk that he wont even remember half of it. What is the point really?

same goes for normal shows.....I see this happen all the time and it is like....stay home and listen to the CD and get drunk and save money.
Wasn't it Dolamite a few years back who interrupted a Jon Oliva showcase performance?

Maybe this cat should cease alcohol consumption until AFTER the shows..................
You're a lot nicer than I would have been ;)


Sorry to be a prick, but his alcohol consumption has both disrupted performances that people pay a LOT of $$$ to see (with tickets, travel, etc).

Now he has a reputation at the hotel.
This COULD result in the hotel someday saying, "We don't want Prog Power attendees staying here"
Hi All, ProgPower virgin here. I actually have another Biffle quote - that pull out cot was "compy as f*$%" (he did actually say "compy", not comfy, as in comfortable.).

Sorry to be a prick, but his alcohol consumption has both disrupted performances that people pay a LOT of $$$ to see (with tickets, travel, etc).

Now he has a reputation at the hotel.
This COULD result in the hotel someday saying, "We don't want Prog Power attendees staying here"

I was referring to him not saying anything to people that feel the need to ridicule others in a public place, but don't have the balls to do it to his face. If you've got a problem with his drinking and behavior at a show then take it up with him in person instead of ripping on him here, that's all i'm sayin. He paid good money to go see the show too, as long as he's not doing anything that's physically hurting anyone or against the rules of the venue, then deal with it or handle it with him in person.

If you knew Ian at all you'd know he's a very good person who likes to enjoy his vacation ALOT. There are plenty of 'jerk' drunks at every show, guys that start fights just cause they can, Ian's not like that at all. He's just having a good time. If it's disrupting yours then deal with it with him instead of calling him out in public.