Quotes of the Week - PPUSA XV

One of my favorite Jon Oliva quotes is when he yelled out "I hope none of you have a date tonight" from behind the curtain. It sounds like so cheesy of a line, I doubt anyone else could have pulled it off but him.
While brushing my hair in the ladies' bathroom I overhear two guys talking just outside:
"And she just leaped up there and hugged Glenn! And he just let her!"
"Yeah! I was there, I saw it! I thought for sure she'd get thrown out for that!"

I walked out of the bathroom giggling.
Steinar Krokmo was going through the courtyard with some equipment. Somebody (I think it was KingLek) asked him a question about what he was doing. Steinar said,
"I have an IQ of 2.

In my country, they give you an IQ test before you start school. You get one point to show up. Then they give you an electric shock. If you react, you get another point. That's as far as I got."

I went into the bathroom directly after JOP's amazing set, and there was a blonde woman in there crying - I'm talking hunched over, nose running, thunderstorm sobs. Needless to say I hurried over there to see what was wrong and if there was anything I could do, and she said, "I've been waiting TWENTY FIVE YEARS for this!"

awww. :)
While brushing my hair in the ladies' bathroom I overhear two guys talking just outside:
"And she just leaped up there and hugged Glenn! And he just let her!"
"Yeah! I was there, I saw it! I thought for sure she'd get thrown out for that!"

I walked out of the bathroom giggling.

LOL I love this so much.
Leprous : Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh (repeat 28 times)
Crowd: *Big eyes*

Me: Nils, you want some Tostitos?
Nils K Rue: Uhhh... No.
The only person who turned down my Tostitos!

"YOU WILL BE PENETRATED BY THE DEVIL" - Guy who was Waaay to hammered in the courtyard, personally serenading Jimmy Johnson.