Quotes of the Week - PPUSA XV

At Lance's table Friday before the show..

Brent (MetalMilitia2000 - haven't seen him post in awhile), was helping somebody locate a specific title. I ask what are they looking for in case I may have already seen it during my own browsing. Says looking for "Appearance of Nothing". I replied that I cannot help but see the irony there. Brent replied back "Seems they are living up to their name".
Don't know how much this is related to ProgPower itself, but just today while eating in the food court in the Atlanta airport while waiting for my flight, had some guy walk up to me asking if I was a wrestler.
I asked Shreddy and his wife, Kara, if they watched Pain of Salvation and if they liked it. Shreddy replied emphatically, positively. Meanwhile, his wife shook her head and mimicked blowing her brains out. I cracked up and and said something like, "I guess you're not into them then?" She said, "I went outside after about 10 minutes. Some homeless guy started chatting me up."

I said, "So you had to choose between going back in to listen to the rest of Pain of Salvation, or sitting outside, talking to a homeless guy?"

She said, "I talked to the homeless guy."
I asked Shreddy and his wife, Kara, if they watched Pain of Salvation and if they liked it. Shreddy replied emphatically, positively. Meanwhile, his wife shook her head and mimicked blowing her brains out. I cracked up and and said something like, "I guess you're not into them then?" She said, "I went outside after about 10 minutes. Some homeless guy started chatting me up."

I said, "So you had to choose between going back in to listen to the rest of Pain of Salvation, or sitting outside, talking to a homeless guy?"

She said, "I talked to the homeless guy."

That could be one of the funniest things I've ever seen on this board.
Yeah, I did not catch that!!! Maybe his accent. Also, singer said, to my left, but it was his right!

I thought so too, but he might have meant to the left of him from our perspective. He reversed directions for everyone else all night, so it can't have been a mistake. Unless Rick Altzi legitimately doesn't know left from right. Which would be interesting.
Speaking of Pain of Salvation, when Daniel stopped the show and wanted to start over, I was standing right next to the camera operator. I yelled to him "REWIND!!". He replied back, "Well, you can't blame this one on the camera department!".
What did Jon say every time he got the crowd to yell? "You just earned me another grand!" Or something like that.. :)
One of the most quotable people I have ever met.

5am Sun. morning, in an attempt to make me appealing to the opposite sex she yelled loudly and in the hallways,

"I am so tired of you and your big DICK!"
Steinar Krokmo was going through the courtyard with some equipment. Somebody (I think it was KingLek) asked him a question about what he was doing. Steinar said,
"I have an IQ of 2.

In my country, they give you an IQ test before you start school. You get one point to show up. Then they give you an electric shock. If you react, you get another point. That's as far as I got."
Just thought of another JO quote, although my memory today is a little fuzzy, so I won't get the wording exactly right. (I started off my day by making a pot of coffee with no water...)

"You don't have to clap. Sit back and enjoy. Smoke a joint or something."
During Overkill, I happened to look to my right and there was this guy facebooking. I thought, "WTF? During THIS set?" I said, "Hey man, you know there's a metal show going on, right?"

He said, "Yeah.....uhm.....I'm 23!"