First real experience with dual micing.....


Nov 22, 2007
Poconos, PA
Yesterday I had some time to fiddle around the practice space. Been itching to really try dual micing my 4x12 and trying to find a really sweet tone, just for shits and giggles basically. Well, last week I tried an SM57 and a SM7A (I think thats what it was, a kick drum mic) and had pretty cool results. Yesterday I used 2 SM57s and had to tweak a bit but finally got a decently clear sound.

I also have been itching to dual mic snare and toms, etc. I did a little snare test and MY LORD, what a difference! The top mic is so dark and resonant sounding while the bottom mic had the high end cut that I was missing last time I recorded, and therefore ended up using a ton of treble in the snares EQ.

Sorry to be rambling about my beginner experiences, I'm sure most of you guys are :lol: "STFU N00b". But if anyone has any tips to maybe throw my way, that would be awesome. We are going to start working on click tracks and then possibly try to record just the kicks, snare/toms/cymbals all separately.
It's cool that your experimenting and your success and excitement may encourage others to take the time to really play around with stuff as well. It's really easy to end up repeating the same techniques but half the fun of recording is in the discovery IMO.

I feel bad for our vocalist. A lot of times its just me and him kinda hanging at the jam space, I'm working at the computer intensely and getting all excited to try mic placements and stuff while he's scratching his head thinking I'm some kind of total nerd geek. I want to make this place my new "home". Very good stuff here.