First Real Project


New Metal Member
Apr 22, 2006
Much like others on this fine forum, I've lurked here for a long time to pick up massive amounts of advice that you just can't get anywhere else.

A few months ago I had the great experience to intern at a local studio and record a sort of "pet band." Right as I was about to get into the mixing, they immediately dropped me saying "things wouldn't work out," before I could even get into any sort of mixing. All I had was a few DVD backups of my main session's tracks.

So, long story short, I've put way too much time and effort into this project, my first real project worth of mention, and I've been trying to mix these songs at my home. Here's a link to a yousendit mp3:

I am having a hell of a time trying to mix this, because I have no real monitors to speak of. The mp3 is nowhere near a final mix, but I was hoping for the good people of the forum to perhaps give me any sort of pointers as to how I can make it better. :worship:


PS: the dinosaur/satan growl near the beginning probably won't stay, I just kept that for myself because I love a disgusting dino snarl :headbang:
+1 on the guitars, were the rythms doube tracked, or was it a single track, coppied and delayed? Maybee try to turn them up a little bit too, or just give them some more body, they sound kinda weak.
Also, how did you eq the overheads? It sounds a bit muddy, you might like to try experimenting with how far you go with the high pass. They also seem to be a bit obviously compressed in some parts, maybee pull back on the threshold a bit and give it a bit more ratio.
Bass sounds good as far as im concearned, it seems to drop out a bit at times, but it seems to be the thing that sits the best in the mix.
Could even try to give the vox a bit more low end and verb.
On your way to a decent mix man.
@genius gone insane : The only thing I've done with the guitars is chop out everything below 110hz or so. Other than that, they are quite bare I realize...Don't exactly know the best way to deal with them...

@Nebulous: There are two rhythm parts, each part miced in 2 places plus 1 room mic in case i decided to use it. Thanks for the suggestions, That really gives me a place to start on!

@everyone else : thanks so much for commenting! I appreciate everything, even the not so constructive!
grimace said:
@genius gone insane : The only thing I've done with the guitars is chop out everything below 110hz or so. Other than that, they are quite bare I realize...Don't exactly know the best way to deal with them...

@Nebulous: There are two rhythm parts, each part miced in 2 places plus 1 room mic in case i decided to use it. Thanks for the suggestions, That really gives me a place to start on!

@everyone else : thanks so much for commenting! I appreciate everything, even the not so constructive!

Are you sure those two guitar mics were in phase. The guitars sound really weak. Trying putting back some low end in. Myabe instead of 110hz (which is kind of high) try 80hz. As far as the other comment of this "not selling", dont put to much stock into that. I think it is pretty damn good. Everyone has there own taste.
@chadsxe: thanks, I'll double check on the phases, though I thought they were when I checked them at the studio. Part of me is a bit pissed off because before my untimely dropping out, I had done a quick balance/slight eq on the tracks to show the band how things were progressing. Since I wasn't there to make the backup, I don't know how much EQ the engineer left in when he gave me a DVD of bounced tracks and deleted my files.

I'm trying a new mix starting back at square one, lord knows how that will turn out :)
That sucks dude. Why the hell would they ever delete the orginals. Good luck.
Honestly the guys that were running the place are total dicks and I foresee them going out of business soon if that can't work up better relations with their musician base. But the experience of man-handling a monster PT rig was well worth the bullshit I think...