First rough mix (be gentle?)


Revel in this, bitch.
Sep 19, 2007
My first rough mix in Pro tools 8. It's melodic death metal. Guitars are DI -> Guitar rig with no eq yet. Same with bass. Drums are superior drummer 2.0. The guitars still sound kinda scratchy to me so thats bound to change. All guitar parts were recorded with a Schecter Hell Raiser. I'd like to get a better lead tone too. But this is all I got at the moment.

Critique for me guys. Thanks a ton!

Thanks man. Any tips on how to really beef up the sound at all? I basically wrote the whole song in guitar pro and used the midi for drums, harp, synth, piano, and keyboard leads. But I really want to beef up the guitars and make them huge. Thats my biggest deal with it right now.
The guitars sound fairly big I think the drums could use some work. Maybe some more brightness on the guitar track? Also I think the low end needs to be tightened. I unfortunately dont know what exactly to do to achieve that as its the same area my current mix is lacking but if you can sort out the low end on your mix everything else seems to be quite a breeze.