First Samples of the Coreblade!

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
Hey, I've just recorded some samples of the new coreblade, I need you to tell me what you think before I send them to HK ;)


there are clean, crunch and highgain Samples.
The FX on the Solos and Clean Guitars are the amps internal FX, no post-processing of any kind of course.
The filename tells you what channel it is etc.
Mic was a single sm57 on all tracks except on the clean tracks (single m160).

Please excuse the rather sloppy soloing, I just improvised that over a riff I'd improvised just before I didn't really know what I was doing :)

This samples were recorded with the stock EL34 tubes, hence the typical fizzyness...I couldn't be bothered to put 6L6 in it.
I think it sounds good, but I'd move the mike just a little bit to get rid of the fizz. Is the power amp pushed hard? Might handle some of that too, so if it's cranked it's really fizzy on lower volume.
yep, cranked really loud.
the fizz is also there in the room, I didn't wanna move the mic too much to not dullen the sound too much.
I like how thick and saturated it is, the el34 fizz is the only grime I've got with this amp
Thats the best H&K sound I have heard, haven't been impressed up till now.

I would not describe the high gain sound as "brutal" but you could definately
use that sound in a heavy metal context.

Oh yeah, and the clean/crunch channel sounds are just excellent, the amp
is worth it for those alone.
It sounds good, that for sure. That fizz is easily manageable, and the character of the amp is really good, especially without any boost/TS9/whatever.

I had that fizz problem with a Switchblade a year ago, so that might be a H&K thing, but on the other hand I played a Statesman (hehe) and with everything on 11 it sounded really good so...
It sounds good, that for sure. That fizz is easily manageable, and the character of the amp is really good, especially without any boost/TS9/whatever.

I had that fizz problem with a Switchblade a year ago, so that might be a H&K thing, but on the other hand I played a Statesman (hehe) and with everything on 11 it sounded really good so...

Ah, yeah, I think the coreblade is the SB's bigger brother.
My favorite H&K is still the day I'll own one :)
Sounds very nice but I'll have to agree, the fizz is a bit annoying. Not sure what to advise you, though, since it seems this is an accurate representation of the amp and not your fault.
You guys are really worrying about this fizz too much. If you sat this tone in a mix it would be gone faster than you can say "skadoosh."

I think it sounds nice. The best part is that I can't coin an amp that sounds very much like it at all. Put that shit in a mix!
..yep i agree in the mix i think it would sit very very nice. I wanted more chugga chugga in your clips though...
I am always left wanting more chugga from amp manufactures web site audio samples...
..yep i agree in the mix i think it would sit very very nice. I wanted more chugga chugga in your clips though...
I am always left wanting more chugga from amp manufactures web site audio samples...

I've also uploaded some chugga chugga clips for the H&K page, just didn't post them on this forum so far.

Check the mix in the other thread
really nice, especially like the clean ! has some nice depth in it. the high gain channel might be usefull for fat sounding walls of guitar. pretty good for certain styles with lots of single string riffing.
i wonder how it handles open string chords on the higher gain settings.
cheers Lasse - just listened to the mix. Gtr tone is huge..although the fizz is bugging me more than i thought it would..still a great sounding amp and recording though \m/