First song release - Of Age and Origin - Part 1 (A Violent Day)

HOLY SHIT!!!!!:OMG::OMG::OMG: that was AWESOME!!!! Paul, the vox sounded amazing, the riffs were driving and forceful, and Larry, that solo sounded like something straight from the fingers of gilmore, absolutely perfect for the context!
Wait until you hear the full song, with Part 2. This is REALLY meant to be heard as a full song, but hey, The End liked it enough to drop as the first song for you guys to get a taste. Glad you liked it!

I kinda guessed that considering the way it ends, but, what are ya gonna do?
Love it! Sasha definitely makes a difference on the drums, and the different sounding vocal style is really cool to hear. Plus, it's got SWANO. :)

Novembers Doom sounding heavier and darker is never a bad thing! Can't wait for this disc!
Seriously guys! I guess that's what you meant by "this record will be quite different"... Sounds very promising indeed! I'm eager to hear how this (half) song will flow with the rest of the album.
Glad to hear you guys are digging this song so far. Honestly, if you are pleased with this then I think you'll probably like the rest of the cd, because this song isn't even the one I'd have chosen to release first! Just wait 'til you hear songs like "Harvest Scythe", "Six Sides", etc..... Plus I must say, I'm going to be very interersted to see people's reactions when they hear Of Age And Origin Part 2......they're each pretty good on their own but when you can hear the entire piece I think it's MUCH more effective.
Plus I must say, I'm going to be very interersted to see people's reactions when they hear Of Age And Origin Part 2......they're each pretty good on their own but when you can hear the entire piece I think it's MUCH more effective.

Part 2 kicks immense quantities of arse! I love Paul's vocal harmony. That's something that should definitely be used again in the future! :grin: