first song you've ever PLAYED on guitar?

first song, or chordy kinda thing was wild thing, or come as you are by nirvana and first full song was probably still wild thing or smells like teen spirit. first metal tune was judas priest- breaking the law- very coo,l riff!!
i think the first song i attempted was one by metallica. I remember i must have sat there for an hour or two just to learn the first few bars of it and be able to play it at album speed... man i sucked!!! Havent got a whole lot better either LOL!!!! meh... i am a bassist now.
Everybody I know start off with Blind Guardian's "The Bard's Song" (the intro) 'cause it's easy to play (the sound is terrible of course, but everyone can play the notes) and it's much easier to find a classical/acoustic guitar than an electic ;)
The first full song I learned was about 9 months after I started playing. It was slayer's seasons in the abyss. Pretty basic, but that's the earliest full one I can remember, I'm sure there are a ton more that might have been slightly before but that's the one that sticks in my mind