First test of the new rig! + Liquid Saffire 56 content


Stymphalian Productions
May 20, 2006
Haven't had chance yet to REALLY get my head around most of it, but I made a short clip with a Inside Four Walls rip off riff, quad tracked.

2 tracks with the API 3124+ emulation and 2 track with the Neve 1073 emulation. From what me and Stee can tell the Neve sounds less "harsh" but the API has more bottom end. There is a harmonics dial which you can push to bump up the "hotness". I had it on 2 out of 15 for these because it really adds shit loads of "whoomfh" to the palm mutes. So I backed it right down and just give the gain pot a healthy dose.

Guitars are totally flat besides a HP/LP *which didn't do much* and some C4 on the low mids. Haven't done a speaker shootout yet so I just mic'd the bottom right quickly and hoped for the best.

Hmm, someone's been listening to "Inside four walls" :D Not bad dude, though a bit thin and kinda...squelchy? Not sure, just doesn't have much bark to it. And from what I understand of the originals, the API having more bottom and the Neve being more harsh are like the polar opposites of what they should be :loco:
I was told the Neve is a warmer preamp, but yeah ive only just got into the differences, my ears could be wrong. I did say the Neve was "less" harsh than the API.

When I get round to another clip ill make sure its barkin' ;)
You know, listening again, these guitars kinda remind me of the tone on Faith No More's "Angel Dust" - not necessarily a tone I'm particularly fond of, but just something that occurred to me! (specifically the beginning of "Smaller and Smaller")
Haha thanks! I know what you mean about the squelshyness, its basically the kinda pick attack. After a fair bit more tweaking, I think I could actually achieve a tone im happy with! *for once*
Added an EQ'd version, tested out the new Focusrite EQ. I have to confess I need to knock out a tight notch at 2.3k on this cab as it gives off a high whistle at that frequency but I think it sounds a lot more Devildriverish with the cut, more top/bottom.
I would comment, but I hardly think my oppinion carries any weight around here. I do like your EQed version better though.
The EQ'd test is definitely better. I have an issue with the mids of these guitars though. They seem to be poking out a little in the wrong way.
Think you might've gone slightly overboard with the cut, but it's definitely better! And the bass guitar might be a bit overpowering too, hard to tell (good tone though, what'd you use?) Agreed with Greg though
Yeah I do agree it does have a Tallica esqueness!

I may have knocked too much out yeah ill re-up with only a minor cut next time. Wow ive got TOO much bass, thats good too since I usually lack a little in the lows :)

About the mids, what area of mids you disliking?

Marcus, its Dual Recto orange channel, Mesa 4x12, 57, Liquid Saffire and I used a Jackson RR24.
Link updated, brought the bass down a touch, didn't knock out as much 2.3k and fiddled with the mids which may have been the more "unpleasent" to the ear.
I would be very interested in hearing the same clip using the "clean/flat" preamp on the Liquid preamp or the other stock (non-liquid) preamps. It would be a great way to hear the "colour" of the liquid preamps.