First time owner of an actual interface...


Jan 21, 2010
And wow do I feel retarded right now. I tried searching but couldn't find anything out.
Okay, so I have my Saffire Pro 40 connected to my computer and monitors. Everything seems to be picking up what it's suppose to except for two problems.

1. My input volume is EXTREMELY hot when doing DI guitars. I have the instrument option ON and the gain on 0, yet it's still hitting 0 db's when I pluck my hardest. -_- ... Not suppose to happen.

2. When I'm trying to record with an amp sim the DI is still heard, which shouldn't be happening.

Sorry for the noob questions but I've never owned an interface before. I'm using Reaper, btw.
You may just need to turn your guitar's volume down a bit. I used to have that problem too, and that's about the only real cure for it, that or get a DI box with an adjustable output. As for your second problem, open up your interfaces mixer software and turn off the monitor output, and monitor directly through your DAW.
You may just need to turn your guitar's volume down a bit. I used to have that problem too, and that's about the only real cure for it, that or get a DI box with an adjustable output. As for your second problem, open up your interfaces mixer software and turn off the monitor output, and monitor directly through your DAW.
Turning the volume on my guitar down doesn't seem like it would be the problem. It doesn't make any sense for it to be THAT loud though...

Anyone with a Saffire Pro 40 that could elaborate at how retarded I am?
Okay, so I finally got it to monitor just through Reaper so now the only problem is input volume and how overly loud it is.
Should be an option to globally pad the 1st two channels if I remember correctly... try that if possible. Guru uses the Pro 40, so maybe he can be of more help.
Make sure BOTH button under the input are pushed in!

Inst and Pad

What kind of guitar? What kind of pickups?>

Whats your EXACT signal chain into the Saffire
An LTD F-50 with stock ESP pickups.
It's Guitar > Instrument input 1 > computer.
I didn't have pad down though so I'm sure that's the problem.

What should I do with the Mix Control software so I can just do all my routing and inputs/outputs in Reaper and not have to deal with all the extra crap from this confusing software.
Also, in Reaper I'll go to Preferences > Audio > Device, it recognizes the Saffire, but when I try and click on 'Asio Configuration...' nothing pops up. o_O Is that suppose to happen?
Sounds like you are not using the AISO drivers. I would try re-installing them.

LEARN HOW TO USE MIX CONTROL. Its very flexible and allows for AWESOME routing options
Yeah, I'm running Windows 7 64-bit and it said I need the Legacy drivers or whatever for that.

Well, what should I set the Mix Control just for basic recording input and playback in my DAW/iTunes/internet?
Take the time required to get your Focusrite set up properly and y ou will find its one of the best interfaces on the market. I personally think its the best there is.

Read the answer base located here for how to use and set up Mix Control:

If you rushed through the setup process I would uninstall everything and start over from scratch. If you dont set it up properly your recordings are going to suffer.
Take the time required to get your Focusrite set up properly and y ou will find its one of the best interfaces on the market. I personally think its the best there is.

I'm actually strongly considering it for my home upgrade now. I saw something about the whole Saffire series being compatible with PT9? And if 9 is everything it seems to be, that gets me out of Reaper at home, altogether. (As it stands, I track with Pro Tools HD at the studio, then move all the .wavs to Reaper at home.)
Download the latest drivers (Saffire 2.0) from the website as the this update means you don't have to use the legacy drivers.

Congratulations on the interface! Very good piece of gear.
Download the latest drivers (Saffire 2.0) from the website as the this update means you don't have to use the legacy drivers.

Congratulations on the interface! Very good piece of gear.
But, it says:
"PC Users
This release requires the use of the Windows Legacy FireWire Driver on Windows 7 64-bit. Windows 7 32-bit users should however use the default Windows 7 FireWire driver."

And I have Windows 7 64-bit. o_O