first time poster, long time listener!


love is the answer
Nov 12, 2002
Belgrade, Serbia
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haha, no actually I just wandered in here today, but I've been on the UM boards forever.

here's a mix.

I'm the bass player and don't know crap about crap, but the guys who recorded the stuff lurk here and I thought I'd get some opinions.

here's the set up I copied from another board where the producer posts.

Drumz 6 piece SonorSignature 2xbassDr
BassDr - D112 x2
Snare - SM57 top into board limited with mp100
Tomz&Floor - ATM Pro35x
Overz - MXL603s
HH - RodeNT3
Ride - MXL2001
Added some ThrillME MultibandComp On the bus

-Everything exept the drumz(MAudio Delat1010lt) was recorded with Aurora,because at the time I had no cables for it!

Guitars: Gibsor LesPaul/Ibanez Universe/BCRich Achrilic Warlock
2 amp's simultaniously
A:6505+ with matched cab - SM57,ATM mb5k diagonal positioning, one in the top speaker and....
B:peavey XXX - 2xMB5k pointing in the same spot from different angles in the same speaker and A RodeNt3 for some room

Bassguitar: Aria ??? with a jumbo pickups

3 tracks were recorded
The setup was a Boss BassLimiter/Enhancer+Behringer BassDI with some crazy fetures(DIST,EQ...) into a AshdownAmp with 4x10 cab with a tweeter.
A:MainMic - D112
B:FX and MidFreqMic - SM57
C:DI bass from the the Behringer box

I think our main problem is that we want to combine types of sounds that have not too much, but significantly different qualities.

We have keyboards and clean choruses ala soilwork-scar symmetry and the like, but I am more into more raw and noisy sounding stuff (my fav album ever is SYL - City) and lately I've been really into the natural and raw way Gojira's last record sounds)

so the main goal is to mix the glossy, polished sound with a more raw agressive tone.

so here's the clip.

the band's called draconic.

this is with no vocals yet, and keyboards we just copy/paste from our old demo on the chorus to here what it would potentially sound like with keys.

you can here an old demo of the song on our myspace to see what the final product should kind of sound like.

all comments would be very helpful, of course.

the only thing that kind of bothers me is that kick drum sound. sounds like they boosted the eq a bit too much around 3-4 khz with a really narrow bandwidth. if you make the eq bandwidth wider it will sound more natural.


other that that it's a cool song and a great sounding mix to me!
I'm bothered by the sharpness of the guitars and symbols. On headphones they give me a little headache.

I think it would be perfect if we could keep the rawness of the sound but neutralize those highs and make the general picture sound more like a baloon than a knife to my ears. :)

thanks for the tip on the drums though!
if the sharpness bothers you, then i would put a low pass filter on the mix somewhere around 16khz. you'll have to experiment with it to find the right spot where the highs still come through but not so harsh. it could be anywhere from 10-18 khz depending on the eq curve.