First time using ampsim's... I don't know what I'm doing or where I am.


Jul 13, 2011
Just some lame ass untalented riffs. I fucking suck at guitar. But I was atleast trying to get a somewhat decent tone. I turned the bass up on the guitars though, because I'm a lazy piece of shit and didn't feel like making a midi bass track.. :(

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you should post your signal chain, it can be more helpful to analize what have you been trying to achieve with ampsims.(better to post your settings as well in it, or the preset used...)

did you used any cabinet impulses on this?
I was being obnoxious, I know what a signal chain is Jordan Jerry McJohnsonsfield.

Consider the following (bill nye):
Random Ibanez from Guitar Center --> Mixcraft (lol I know) --> TSE808 --> Poulin LeGion --> Poulin LeCab (with the s-preshigh impulse) --> EQ 8===D ~~~

The settings and shit are pretty random, I just turn the fucking knobs until shit comes out.

I like my vst's how I like my women, FREE.
I'm not really looking for a tight sound or anything, I like it dirty as fuck.
But idk, I'm just one of those people that my own shit never sounds good enough to me, yuh know?
I think it's as good as it's going to get.
Hey! First of all, go over a DI track of yours with an amp sim (without playing the guitar, just by being the listener), then start off with the gain section: turn the gain down to ZERO, and then go slowly up with the gain til like 4, or 5. You dont want alot of gain, otherwise its just going to get muddy! Dont scoop your mids!!!! Sounds like you dumped all the mids there... good boosting area for guitars in the mids is around 2khz (just fool around a little with an EQ). Oh yeah, and dont forget to use a High pass filter and a Low pass filter! Especially to get rid of the "fizz" in the high end (maybe try setting your LPF at around 10-12khz...just try around, you´ll come up with something). Hope i could help you with this! Cheers