First time with DFHS/POD XT

toms in dfhs you have to compress to shit, and gate to get them right, also cut 400hz in the rack toms/250hz in the floor toms with as wide a q as you can, and boost something around 5khz, and see if that helps, nice guitar tone btw.
cobhc said:
toms in dfhs you have to compress to shit, and gate to get them right, also cut 400hz in the rack toms/250hz in the floor toms with as wide a q as you can, and boost something around 5khz, and see if that helps, nice guitar tone btw.

What gate do you use? The gate in Cubase's "Dynamics"-Plugin doesn't work well for me (clicks too much) ...
You don't necessary need a gate since there's a built-in enveloppe control in Drummer module. It will be more accurate (every hits will have the same length) and it does not increase CPU load.

In the INSTRUMENT EDIT section:
1 Select the superpad (racktom 1, 2, 3...).
2 Fade ON.
3 Put the release @ 12 o'clock as a starting point.
4 Move the release until you're fine with it and do the same with the next Superpad (don't forget FADE setting for each superpad) until all your toms makes you happy.
You can also set the Hold but I usually keep it all the way down.