First Time


I decided to post here too...I'm new to Nevermore, and I should be getting their album "Dead Heart.." later today (as soon as I can get my lazy bum up of this chair..) I hope it's good :)
~Zeany~ you decided to get Dead Heart In A Dead World...! Fair enough... i hope you like it! Let me know what you think..
Originally posted by Trapped
~Zeany~ you decided to get Dead Heart In A Dead World...! Fair enough... i hope you like it! Let me know what you think..
Yup. Can I still kick your butt? :) That was actually the only Nevermore cd they've got the the store so...I will tell what I think of it when I've listened to it few times ;)
I see you're into goth metal stuff...get dreaming neon black girl,dead heart you'll like,this one you'll love.and then get the in memory ep,then the same titled and then politics (which is their best to me,but i guess it will appeal less than the rest to someone into atmospheric stuff)
Originally posted by QuothTheRaven
Hey everyone. This is my first time posting on this BB, well registered anyway. I've visited a few times as Weindog. Just wanted to say what's up? and, of course Nevemore fucking rules. :rock:

Welcome to the Fall!!!!