First Videos of Kamelot live with Fabio Lione

I'm now convinced that the reason you couldn't hear Khan sing at past shows was because he couldn't.

Yeah, that always bothered me. I was like, why is he always so low in the mix when I see them? Bad luck, I guess. Then I realized that he's just ALWAYS low in the mix every night when reading other people's reviews and stuff. Obviously he just can't hang live anymore, but I still love the dude's studio work.

Not particularly a big Rhapsody fan, but dude is killing it on those videos. I was planning on going to the show in the fall anyway, just because what kind of a fan would I be if I didn't give them a chance, but now I'm totally sold on the idea.
Tunes from the new album:

Necropolis -

The Great Pandemonium -

Fabio has the crowd in the palm of his hand. Wicked cool.
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HUGE fan of Roy's voice both with Conception and Kamelot.. that said - I think they will do fine. Fabio sounds great, and I thought Micheal did a great job at PP filling in under the circumstances
That The Great Pandemonium was really good. He sounded a lot better on that song, I thought, than the ones posted before.
Here is my assessment of this:

However, what this shows is that the strength of Kamelot is not solely or even mostly based on the strength of Khan as frontman and vocalist. It is based on the fact that the music is truly transcendental art. Thom Youngblood has written tunes that rule. When they are sung by someone with the pipes to sing them, they sparkle.

Oh my God yes! I can't wait for this! Sounds awesome!

I wish they would have put more older stuff in the set though. With new blood at the mic I hoped they would've changed things up a bit.

I've seen Kamelot 7 or 8 times & the last 4 times or so I wasn't too excited, I really went for the other bands on the bill as I felt Kamelot had become "stale". This is the first time in years that I can actually say I'm VERY excited to see Kamelot! Also looking forward to Tristania, since they're opening the tour, if I'm not mistaken.
Huge Kamelot fan, Rhapsody fan boy as well, but wasn't sure how Fabio would sound with them.

I should have known Thomas would not make a mistake in that department, and it sounds GREAT!
I'm now convinced that the reason you couldn't hear Khan sing at past shows was because he couldn't.

That has been my contention for quite a while.

Kamelot- Kahn who? Michael Eriksen channels Kahn perfectly when he needs to. However, his voice is much stronger. He doesn't use any of the voice cracking camouflage Kahn does, like lowered volume mic. No pulling the mic away on the high notes either. They pulled out some older songs, which was cool. Unfortunately, songs from the new CD didn't impress me much.

These songs sound great. Thanks for posting, Milton.
Though I love Fabio's work with Rhapsody and Athena (now there's a rare gem!), I was somewhat skeptical of how he would sound with Kamelot. After watching these videos, I'm convinced that Thom made a great choice. As for the crowd reaction, I wasn't too worried about how folks outside of the U.S. would feel. Fabio has made a name for himself in every country where Kamelot tours, with the exception of ours. I sincerely hope that the "uneducated" U.S. fans that don't know any other bands in the genre will at least be half as welcoming as the Chileans.

Stay metal. Never rust.
I'm now convinced that the reason you couldn't hear Khan sing at past shows was because he couldn't.

Must not have been the shows I was at, because Khan was unreal at them.

Fabio is doing a fine job. It definitely looks like it gives the band an entirely different energy though. I'd wait to see a full show to make that a firm opinion, but from the clips anyway, that's what I see.
I guess I'll go against the grain...

I never liked him in Rhapsody and don't care for his vocals from those videos.

His accent comes thru when he sings in english and it just bugs me. Some singers' accents get lost in singing, but the way he pronounces the words ever since I heard him in Rhapsody has always been a turn off.
Kamelot is playing here with Evergrey, Sons of Seasons and Amaranthe in a few weeks. I don't have a ticket as yet and I'm undecided but seeing Fabio may swing it for me to attend. WIth Khan I would probably give it a miss even if it is a good bill. On a side note it seems the sales for this gig weren't great as it was downsized from the Koko which probably holds 1500 to a smaller venue which gets packed out with 7-800 or so punters and it's a shittier venue to boot.
I don't think Tristania is on the bill anymore.

Yeah, I was looking forward to them as well, but they got replaced with Alestorm. :(

Oh, shit...Where the fuck have I been?:lol:

That sucks, I've never seen Tristania so I was stoked about that.

But Alestorm?!?! I fuckin' love Alestorm, I only saw them the 1st time they came around, I've missed them the last few times, so now I'm really stoked about seeing them again!:rock:
I enjoyed these clips so much they convinced me to go see Kamelot later this year. Thanks for posting.
I'm actually unclear on why they didn't end up touring w/ Mike from Circus Maximus, even though Fabio sounds awesome. Wasn't that the original plan?