First visit!


Evacuate, Assemble here..
Jan 15, 2003
Mittagong, NSW Australia
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Hey there Hevy devy fans, I haven't got round to posting on this board yet, but have been a big fan since Biomech came out, Just recently got AE and mightily impressed with it, another fantastic emotional melting pot from Mr. Townsend.
How are you guys all finding the album, favourably I would imagine.

I am still a huge fan of Biomech and am finding it hard to go past ( in my top five albums ever), although Terria and AE are both brilliant also, Infinity I dig, but I never picked up The Physicist.

I should find myself posting here more!!

Just thought I would express my fandom!

BTW Deadhead and Storm are mindblowers!!!!!!!!!!!!:hotjump: