Five (5) albums you have been spinning recently

Stolen Babies - EP

Acidbath - Peagan Terrorism Tactics (good stuff here)

Symphonx - The Odessey Some albums are like getting that dessert at the end of a meal at one of those corporate chain restaurants; the chocolate cake with ice cream, topped with chocolate chips, smothered is hot fudge with chocolate sprinkles, with a side spoon full of pure lard seems good at first. Even after the first bit it is not too bad. Halfway through it you begin to think, "why in the hell did I order this"? Still you don't want it to seem like a waste so you finish what is actually a pretty terrible tasteless piece of cake with all the crap on it. Once finished you feel discussed with yourself for consuming such crap and can't even justify what you have done by telling yourself that it tasted good. Now you feel sick and sleepy.
Well Symphony X seem to have the same effect for me. Sure it seems good going in but quickly get really damn boring.

Charisma - Karma (re-visiting this one, think when I first heard it I was so not wanting to hear anymore female fronted bands that I may have unfairly dismissed them. This is pretty good stuff, brings to mind some of the female fronted bands I do like such as the Gathering and Brave.

Rodriguez - Cold Facts
And yet you keep buying it...and Nightwish, and After Forever, etc. Maybe Mike can score you one of those tie-dyed Sonata Arctica wolf shirts while you're at it. :lol:

To the contrary I have not bought any of these latest albums I have aquired by those bands.
I keep going back to some of this stuff thinking it will grow in it's appeal and it only seems to get worse to me. Some of it I did like at one time for a brief moment, just weird my taste has changed I guess. Hell I never lost the taste for hair bands (almost typed cock rock but that wouldn't sound right); I can listen back to that stuff and realize how bad it really is but still stomach it. Meanwhile a lot of this over processed progressive power metal just loses it's flavor.
Charisma - Karma (re-visiting this one, think when I first heard it I was so not wanting to hear anymore female fronted bands that I may have unfairly dismissed them. This is pretty good stuff, brings to mind some of the female fronted bands I do like such as the Gathering and Brave.

That album is a gem. Great album for fans of heavier female fronted metal. Damn, digging it out now for the morning spin.

the new FLOTSAM is out?

Sort of. You could have purchased it via their Pledge Music campaign when they were raising funds for the album which is how I got mine. Opted for an autographed version. I posted a picture in the Recent CD Buys thread if the image is still up. Otherwise I think they are selling it on their current tour and they just signed to Metal Blade so MB will be releasing it late March/early April

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I got my copy of the Flotsam when they came through Toronto last Monday.
Overkill cancelled which was a bummer but the bright side was Flotsam got a much longer set and they were the band I was there to see the most anyway:kickass:
Yes, it's very good. Are you and I the only ones that have it around here?
C'mon guys!

For years, I was the biggest Flotz fan. Bought all of their albums the day they were released. For awhile I'm pretty sure I was the only one listening to them. After "Dreams Of Death" and those super shitty 'live' DVD's were released, I stopped buying their albums, they were so bad. I've heard enough of that new album to know that this is the same deal. Bad production and mediocre songs. I guess after recording near 'perfect' sounding albums like "Cuatro" or "Drift", everything else is going to sound sub par.

It's also interesting how they've been signed by Metal Blade Records a total of three times since 1986, (and dropped twice) and yet, because of their current touring status with Testament, all of a sudden, MB wants to get in bed with them again. I guess they're only worth it if their album is already paid for by the band members and their fans. Guaranteed they'll be dropped again within the year, after MB sucks sucks everything out of them they can get.
Hah, well I'll just have to disagree (outside of the production of DoD) :p Have no opinion on their dealings w/Metal Blade *shrug* They're big boys, I'm sure they can handle it.
Hah, well I'll just have to disagree (outside of the production of DoD) :p Have no opinion on their dealings w/Metal Blade *shrug* They're big boys, I'm sure they can handle it.

It should be a foregone conclusion that they're 'big boys', that goes without saying. Though it is quite entertaining to see them bend over so easily to take it up the ass from MB for a third time. At this point in the game they remind me of that kid in grade school who, no matter how much the were teased by the other children, would not stop trying to hang out with them...
We were discussing the band Attic somewhere in this thread, most notably about how expensive the 'import' prices are for their album. I just happened to see has tons of copies starting at $14USD...