Five Former Members Of In Flames Unite In The Halo Effect

I wonder which song the 'special guest' that was mentioned previously is in? The only one we haven't heard yet is 'The Most Alone', so I guess it could be that one. Can't really tell from the festival tracks as those are played without any special guests and there's nothing obvious to suggest which one, if it is a track we've heard, it actually is.

I'm interested to know if it's a guest vocalist or guitarist or what. Maybe Glenn plays a solo on a song...
I'm interested to know if it's a guest vocalist or guitarist or what. Maybe Glenn plays a solo on a song...
I hope its a guest vocalist. Whilst i love the music, i find Stanne's vocals to be flat and boring, one of the main reasons i cant get into Dark Tranquility's last 3-4 albums.
I hope its a guest vocalist. Whilst i love the music, i find Stanne's vocals to be flat and boring, one of the main reasons i cant get into Dark Tranquility's last 3-4 albums.

I tend to agree when it comes to Stanne's vocals on DT, but to me he sounds totally reinvigorated with THE. It's the most I've enjoyed his vocals since Fiction.
That's straight out of Doom + Mikael vocals. Nice...
He can sound so much more interesting in extreme metal when compared to his primary band. I'd really love to hear him in AtG.
Agreed, he sounds so much more... robotic in DT. Like he's stuck in a loop with the same vocal patterns and tone. Not sure I would have even guessed that was him in those above clips if Mindd hadn't said so.
The full Sweden Rocks 2022 Set. Quality still sucks.

Jeez, I remember that username from way back... SOAPF thread I think! Thanks for posting that. A shame the quality on all these videos seem to suck, but what can you do.

Conditional @ 15:11.

Last of Our Kind @ 33:21. Really cool opening.

The Most Alone @ 37:40. A slower track, sounds good though.
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Man, since we've heard every song already, that's such a solid album. Granted, half of the songs we've only heard in potato quality, but still, every song is at least really nice!
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Jeez, I remember that username from way back... SOAPF thread I think! Thanks for posting that. A shame the quality on all these videos seem to suck, but what can you do.

Conditional @ 15:11.

Last of Our Kind @ 33:21. Really cool opening.

The Most Alone @ 37:40. A slower track, sounds good though.

The Halo Effect pulled me back in, LOL.
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I wonder which song the 'special guest' that was mentioned previously is in? The only one we haven't heard yet is 'The Most Alone', so I guess it could be that one. Can't really tell from the festival tracks as those are played without any special guests and there's nothing obvious to suggest which one, if it is a track we've heard, it actually is.

Well, I'm finally getting around to doing something more than lurking. That being said, I'm going to be the bearer of bad news. This comes from Napalm Records' page for Days of the Lost CD, so... Yeah. It's not even someone important to the Gothenburg scene nor its history, and I can't even say I particularly like Heafy as a vocalist either.

I have no idea how to format things here, so fuck. I probably linked that picture incorrectly.


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Good to see you posting here my man, welcome!

Uh, OK... wasn't expecting that. I don't have anything against Heafy but I don't see why he'd be a special guest on a project like this. As you say, dude has no link to the classic MDM scene at all. If this was a tribute album to mid-2000s metalcore then sure, get Heafy involved, but this seems wildly out of place and just strange. On the other hand it may give some of Trvium's fans cause to check out THE, which can only be a good thing for them. I'm just glad he isn't guesting on Conditional!
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Thanks, man. I'm not sure just how much I'll post here, but I figure that this is a pretty good start.

I remember seeing a clip of Heafy gushing over I think The Jester Race? I could be wrong, but it was either that album or Clayman. I love seeing newer school musicians paying tribute to their inspirations, so it was pretty nice to see, but this is definitely a weird collaboration. Days of the Lost feels like a celebration of old school melodeath more than anything, so I'm already on edge about how the track will turn out. I guess it could always be worse though, there are plenty of atrocious vocalists out there.
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Yeah, Heafy's a pretty big In Flames fan, so he's not the most surprising guest on this project. Believe he knows the Gothenburg guys pretty well, too. Him and Mikael recently did guest appearances on the soundtrack to Metal: Hellsinger.

I don't doubt that Heafy is a fan of In Flames and the MDM genre in general. I just don't think he fits in on a project like this. Still, I'll judge the track he's on with an open mind.
Huh, I didn't know he was also in Hellsinger too- Only heard about Mikael contributing to it. It seems like a pretty cool project overall. I'll keep an open mind going into "Last of Our Kind", but I'm sure I'll be sticking to my sentiments overall. If his vocals on it are good, then shit, I'll give him my praises. Fair's fair, after all.
Dude knows his stuff, cool to listen to him discuss it on a technical and personal level.