Five Former Members Of In Flames Unite In The Halo Effect

Have to be honest, I'd be a little disappointed to see THE without Jesper. I'm sure they'd still sound as good as ever, and I totally get the reason he can't tour with them all the time, but still...
Have to be honest, I'd be a little disappointed to see THE without Jesper. I'm sure they'd still sound as good as ever, and I totally get the reason he can't tour with them all the time, but still...
I'm just happy with him making music.
Peter was interviewed for a Spanish magazine. A few interesting things.

Talking about Cyhra:

Well, for me the initial plan was to make the record, there was never any talk of starting touring and all that. We made the record and they wanted to tour, so I told them to find someone because I had no plans to go on tour. It was a scheduling problem, I was interested in music and making the album, but I didn't have time to hit the road, so I dropped it.

About the sound:

No the truth is no. I think our words have been misunderstood a bit. We didn't have any plan about how to sound, it's what we get, and it's normal that it's somehow connected to the Gothenburg sound because of the bands we've played with and all that. Here we simply started to compose without thinking what style we wanted to do or follow. We just wrote music and added stuff. I showed Niklas a riff that was going to be a pop song, but we fixed it, added stuff and it ended up being a death metal song.

About the album:

There are songs that can be a bit more modern… but I don't know, it's a good question. We started to compose and we chose 10 songs for the album that were the ones that best fit. Because there are more songs, we only use 10. I think there is a good balance, there are more retro songs, others more modern, we have included many keyboards, effects, sounds, we have strings... I think there is a good mix of everything, retro, modern, reed, melody...
Should have a signature Solar guitar, so if there's a video of the performance we could tell.

I'm OK with Jesper writing music and doing only shows he can handle. And this is a solid replacement.
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Reminds me of when IF used the Whoracle instrumental as an intro. I think THE have said these instrumental tracks that have been heard at their live shows and on clips won't be available. Why that is, I don't know, as they sound really cool.
Let's hope that, at some point, they release them as a special ep or something similar.
Hm. It could be an instrumental track that's on the record, I don't know.

According to someone who apparently interviewed the band (So basically take it with a grain of salt), the intro is solely for concerts, while the outro is for concerts and the documentary. So yeah, that fucking sucks. I hope they're full of shit, but you never know.
Brings a smile to my face seeing how much they seem to be enjoying themselves. Sick crowd as well!

Lots of live uploads from Istanbul, Ciko's boys and girls doing us proud :cool:
That video of the full concert was an absolute godsend. I still wish someone had a video of "In Broken Trust", but at least we got videos of most of the other tracks that aren't out yet.

The album really can't release soon enough, it's one of the only upcoming works by a band that I'm actively excited about.