Fix for the lack of bass in headphones?


Ascend Recordings
Dec 16, 2010
Alright guys so my heaphones have a lack of low end and mids (Specifically 700Hz and below).
Would it be a bad idea to put an EQ on the master bus and make a slight boost in the low end? Keep in mind, the low-end boost will only be turned on while I work on the mix. I will turn the EQ with the low end boost once I feel the mix is done.

I wanted to do a test on this.
I will put up 2 of my mixes. The first one I will fix the volume levels as I normally do.
The second one, I will fix the volume levels while having the Low end boost on the master bus.

I will post up both mixes tonight and maybe you guys with a good pair of monitors can comment on them?

Not sure if the whole idea of it is stupid. I know it's not accurate but my guess is, the boost in the low end might help a bit.
I don't mind going out to buy better headphones, but I just wanted to do a quick test on this to see the results, just out of curiosity :)
When I used to mix on headphones, I would usually check the mix in my car. Most often the low end would be a bit excessive and boomy. I should probably check mixes in my car more often, even though I have decent monitors now, I guess I've gotten lazy.
Are you using Senny's or Sony's? I've found both of them to be really lean. I use ATHM50's these days, usually. In fact, even though my room's well treated, I still double check my bass on them to make sure I'm getting the right low info (using ADAM P33A's in the room, and they're no slouches).

Sure, you can do an LF boost, just remember that it changes gain staging.
