Flashback Friday: A Compendium of Hilarity

Rent to own rims in 2005. Haha, remember when this kind of shit was a joke?

Now we have 36 month plans for cell phones. And 96+ month used car loans.

Holy fuck we are stupid.
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I showed that Tony Eveready video to a number of friends after seeing it from that thread. Then they showed it to other people and so on, and it became very well known in my extended friendship circle, and constantly referenced. I still find it hilarious. "Clowning" is a term still used today in our parlance.
@Reign in Acai
the first post of each thread is hilarious even without reading any of the responses to either one (actually did read through both threads just now btw)
comedy gold
when i left ultimate-metal for the month of April, it was because i got so meth-twacked that i forgot the internet existed
but reading reign in acai leaving and then coming back here made me laugh my ass off
just what i needed today
Reading that thread in 2021 is almost shocking :D
Pure objectifying, feminists wouldn’t approve! Luckily links to the pictures that Jerry stole from my MySpace are dead by now.