Flight 666 documentary


Nov 4, 2004
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
i know we were talking about the audio cd, but i just got the double disc dvd set and its awesome! the thing is about 1 hour 45 minutes...its really cool.

it follows the band and stuff, and shows snippets of live stuff and is packed with life on the road footage and all that good stuff. kinda the extra of the "rock in rio" dvd's but a ton more haha.

the guys doing the dvd are the same guys (and the actual guy) that did the METAL: a headbangers journey documentary, so that was pretty cool too cos they could contribute a little rather than just being by-standers with cameras lol.

and the actual concert disc is awesome and includes songs from a bunch of different stops...very very cool.

i suggest everyone get this!
I saw on cinema and then I bought the special edition to have it too. Pretty cool and well done, still I believe there was heavy editing on the crowds scene.
I've had it since it came out and it's indeed awesome. My only gripe is that they don't show the giant mummy Eddie coming out from behind the stage and waving his arms. I can verify that this DID happen since I saw this tour live. They do show the normal walking Eddie dressed as he did on the cover of Somewhere In Time, though.
it's a GREAT dvd set!

how f###kin' cool is it when your lead singer also flys you to all the shows as well as belts out the "air raid siren" vocals!!!

GWAR may have "titled" an album "Live From Antarctica"

Maiden might actually f##kin' DO IT :rock: