Flo Mournier


Cuntaminated Cock Monkey
Aug 15, 2004
Lacertine Forest
i read in an interview concerning the new album (hopefully out early next year) and Worm said that Flo has worked out a way to double his blast-beat speed by having to sets of hi-hats on the left of his snare and using rim shots. if anyone can explain to me how exactly that will work, or their suggestions as to how he will do it. also any tips for speeding up and/or tightening up hand work.
thank god the new album is actually being finished. ive heard so many rumors i had no idea what the hell was going on with them.

i wish they would come around to ny
so have you guys heard about Daniel Mongrain being a current touring guitarist for them ? that's pretty sweet , he's amazing , but i wonder why he has to fill in...

fuck , i HIGHLY doubt he can double his blast beat speed . That'd just be strange . On the topic of the fastest blaster , it very well might be Alienation Mental's drummer ....that dude is a machine !
hammer_smashed_face said:
so have you guys heard about Daniel Mongrain being a current touring guitarist for them ? that's pretty sweet , he's amazing , but i wonder why he has to fill in...

fuck , i HIGHLY doubt he can double his blast beat speed . That'd just be strange . On the topic of the fastest blaster , it very well might be Alienation Mental's drummer ....that dude is a machine !

Yeah i hope John hasnt left Cryptopsy, it doesnt say hes left on their site, or maybe i'm not looking hard enough. Anyway have you heard 'Jon Engman' (Brodequin, Foetopsy, Liturgy)?...or Mark Perry (Death of Millions), those guys really impressed me with their blasting...stupidly fast. But of course Derek Roddy, is also bloody amazing...even if you arnt a drummer i suggest you check out his DVD at some point, hes incredible.
The technique mentioned by Lord Worm is just the one-handed roll used in a gravity blast. The kicks would be doing 16ths, the snare would be doing 16ths, and the hihats would be 8ths. Examples of the gravity blast can be found in most of Origin's music(John Longstreth is an expert gravity-blaster) and Kataklysm(for example, the song Ambassador of Pain from their new album). The one handed-roll uses the rim of the sanre drum as a type of fulcrum point. The drummer hits the snare head and the rim at the exact same time(it has to be really really dead on, or else you'll hear the rim being hit), then drops his arm, as if he/she were shaking someone's hand, all the while keeping the stick resting on the rim(the stick's angle on the snare is changing, but it is constantly touching the rim). Then the drummer moves his arm up again, so the stick hits the head again(while still touching the rim), and finally the stick moves in the same motion as the arm, up off the rim, only to repeat the process all over again.

Sorry if this description didn't make much sense, I'm really tired and it's hard to explain drum techniques without showing someone in person. If any of you guys are really interested in the one-handed roll, PM me and I can answer any questions, as well as maybe be able to send a video of a one-hand roll expert explaining and showing the technique.