Floods in New Jersey

I hope theyre doing better than me. Can you say feakin 3 AND A HALF FEET OF SHITTY DIRTY WATER FLOODING MY BASEMENT!!!!!! Luckily, I got my cd's and shit out of the basement before it could get ruined. Especially my Sym. X autographs and drumset.

I hope the band is doin O.K. Poseidon should know better than to try to stall the production of the new album.

North America is gonna be the next Lemurian Atlantis. It's gonna be buried in endless amounts of water, and its existence will be extremely mythologized and denied by all the religions of the world. First Katrina decimated the gulf coast. Rita also did plemty of damage. Now, this.
So first the Southeast with the hurricanes, then the West with the fires, now this!!! Man, I live in the midwest so I guess we're due for something bad now too...

At least you've got CD's and drums though...
The rain has been so bad this week I had to cancel some of my student's lessons because they had trouble getting to my house due to flooding and just sheer shitty driving conditions...made me lose over $100... :mad:
I live on the 5th floor at school and my room got flooded. Staircases are flooded, too. I considered rowing to class today. It's been raining for about a week straight and it's supposed to be clearing up within the next few days, so hopefully everything will be somewhat normal within the near future.
rockyracoon said:
So first the Southeast with the hurricanes, then the West with the fires, now this!!! Man, I live in the midwest so I guess we're due for something bad now too...

Three words: NEW MADRID FAULT.

Seriously, I hope not. :(

I lived in NJ for four years, and I've hardly seen a more flood-prone area. Very miserable. I really hope this stops soon and you guys can get things cleaned up quickly!
Yeah, let's hope Dungeon is allright. Imagine if they had all the song ideas and stuff in Romeo's computer and if it's get flooded...well I think it won't go that far.
Progbass said:
Yeah, let's hope Dungeon is allright. Imagine if they had all the song ideas and stuff in Romeo's computer and if it's get flooded...well I think it won't go that far.

I am going to have nightmares because of that now.

Ptah, that totally sucks man! At least you're okay and were able to rescue some things.
I need to call Mike & get a studio update anyway, so I'll try & get a hold of him today & find out what's going on..
Thanks Rose, but thats not the computer i use for internet. It was used for recordings and shit until something happened with the sound card, and its been running on safe mode for the past few weeks. I am bummed out, but not nearly as much as if the audio was working on it.
P.S. Since that computer is trashed, I'm giving it to the person who's pumping my indoor pool (which was formerly known as a basement) right now.
Here in the Atlantic City area it didn't flood that badly. My neighbor's backyard had maybe about a half-inch of water and that was about it. We didn't get any damage because our house is quite a few inches off the ground so yeah
Good idea to give it away, pk. I hope you were at least able to get all your data off of that computer. :(
I didnt have anything too important on there. I only had some lyrics from a band i got kicked out of way back, and some recordings of riffs that I rerecorded on this computer. The only thing I'm really concerned about is the Monitor, because I was thinking about using it as a 2nd to go along with this one.