Flotsam and Jetsam - The Cold

Vicious Robbie

Faithful Neon Dreamer
There's no denying that I love Flotsam and Jetsam. This is a band that captured my attention with their incredible debut and kept giving quality metal for many years to come. Yet, theirs has been the case of a band being at the wrong place at the wrong time. After 5 years from their previous album, Dreams of Death, they are back with their 10th release, The Cold. With their last few albums I kept getting mixed feelings with each release and The Cold is no exception...

More than ever, I feel with this release that ominous feeling that the potential is there but it's not able to fully develop. Opener "Hipocrisy" has good moments but also very simplistic and dull moments that create a dichotomy that makes me want to like only parts of the song instead of the whole thing. "Take" makes things better but the problem is the lack of something memorable throughout the song. The keys in the main riff in the middle are interesting and show me that the band still has a few ideas up their sleeve yet they cannot deliver a consistent product. I get the same feeling of inconsistency in the title cut, Black cloud, Blackened Eyes Staring and Secret Life. What's worse is that there is some real filler here in the likes of K.Y.A. (talk about really dumb lyrics) Falling Short and Always. That leaves Better Off Dead and wow...this slow number it's actually my favorite track of the whole lot. Eric A.K. brings the song to life with some really bleak lyrics and a truly inspiring performance. The guy is one of the key elements of the band and without him that song just couldn't reach that level of emotion and power.

On the positive side of things the band has done one of their better production jobs and it blows away their previous record in that department. The playing of the recently departed Ed Carlsson and Mark is phenomenal and is another highlight. Erick AK sings like there's no tomorrow and gives out a superb performance. So, the pieces are in place but the final product leaves me frustrated not because it's awfully bad but because it could have been so much more. Still give it a spin or two, you may be able to find something here to your liking. I would hate to see that the lyrics for Better Off Dead are prophetic as far as the future of the band is concerned. Still...Flots 'till death.:cry:
wow a little harsh. i heard most of it on youtube before i bought it. this is their best album since cuatro easily. maybe the best since the 80's. the lyrics do suffer a bit but they always had 1 tune with really dumb lyrics imo on every album
They've always been one of my favs too. I agree on KYA and Always but I've only heard it twice so far. I was fine with the album until I got to Always. I liked Better Off Dead too. Great job by AK on that one, although it is a tad repetitive. Overall I think they did a good job on this album. One small complaint is I thought Michael Gilbert would play on at least some of it. I guess he came in after it was done.

There is some very tasty guitar playing on this record.
wow a little harsh. i heard most of it on youtube before i bought it. this is their best album since cuatro easily. maybe the best since the 80's. the lyrics do suffer a bit but they always had 1 tune with really dumb lyrics imo on every album

Hehehe I know I was a bit harsh, Matt. I still have it on my Ipod to see if I can open up to some of the other songs and change how I feel about the record. As far as being their best since Cuatro, I have to respectfully disagree. Drift and High were records that I consider good, especially Drift, which I consider their best record since NPFD. They have not reached that level since :(
Hehehe I know I was a bit harsh, Matt. I still have it on my Ipod to see if I can open up to some of the other songs and change how I feel about the record. As far as being their best since Cuatro, I have to respectfully disagree. Drift and High were records that I consider good, especially Drift, which I consider their best record since NPFD. They have not reached that level since :(

i own every album they've done and i never could get into high or the other 2 metal blade albums recorded during that period. dreams of death was much stronger than those 3. drift is good but its like the band tried so hard to out grunge the grunge bands on that one that they forgot to put hooks in the songs.
They've always been one of my favs too. I agree on KYA and Always but I've only heard it twice so far. I was fine with the album until I got to Always. I liked Better Off Dead too. Great job by AK on that one, although it is a tad repetitive. Overall I think they did a good job on this album. One small complaint is I thought Michael Gilbert would play on at least some of it. I guess he came in after it was done.

There is some very tasty guitar playing on this record.

yes the album was recorded and they were about to start the mixing stage when gilbert came back
I liked High at the time, and Unnatural Selection had its moments, but I barely gave My God a chance for whatever reason. I would disagree and say I like Cuatro (and WTSCD) way better than Drift.

I've seen them 6 times but each time was special because I think the biggest place I've seen them is the Chance in Poughkeepsie NY. I also saw them at the Thrash of the Titans show out in SF in August of 2001, and not even 2 months later saw them here in NJ after AK left with James Rivera on vocals...and Mike Piazza and Eddie Trunk were both there. The first time I saw them was on NPFD opening for King Diamond.
Flotsam, although one of my fave bands back in the day, has always been hit and miss with me; Doomsday being the only exception as that album kicked my balls from beginning to end. It always seems like I LOVE about half the songs on each album and the others just miss the mark. I should make a best of Flotsam cd for myself with just my fave songs because I don't listen to them very often (except Doomsday which I play all the time) mainly because I'm an album guy rather than a song guy. When I want to hear a band I usually put an album in and listen start to finish.

Great to hear Michael Gilbert is back! Weird that he's replacing Ed, but cool nonetheless.

I have a few Flotsam related "brushes with greatness", here's one that now seems ironic since he's suddenly rejoined the band: Michael used to come into my 7-11 in Chandler, Arizona all the time back around 1989-90 since he lived nearby. I got to chat with him quite often and he was always very cool and friendly (maybe because I hardly ever charged him for coffee or sodas :D). He was dry-walling back then since Flotsam profits didn't pay the mortgage, so he would stop by in the morning clean and fresh and stop again in the evening all covered in white plaster from head to toe.

One day I'll always remember was when I "almost" got to go fishing with Flotsam. Early one Saturday morning Michael and another guy I recognized but couldn't identify came in for coffee. A few minutes later I saw them out in the parking lot fiddling around with fishing poles. It was slow as Saturday mornings tend to be at a convenience store, so I went out to smoke and see what they were up to. He introduced me to Kelly (drummer) and said they were headed up north to do some fishing. Then he asked if I wanted to go along! HOLY SHIT! Fishing with Flotsam! Somebody pinch me because I must be dreaming! Unfortunately I had just started my shift and didn't get off till 3pm. Of course, they couldn't wait all day even if they did get free coffee, so I had to watch them drive off without me. :waah:

That's the end of that "brush with greatness", but the story about Michael continues. Many years later I was very disappointed to hear that Michael had left the band and wondered why since he always seemed so excited when he talked about Flots and how it was his dream to play in a band (and not have to do drywall anymore!). Not long after he left I saw Flotsam at the Mason Jar in Phoenix and asked one of the other guys why Michael had left the band. He told me that Michael got jumped (and beat up) in a men's room by some assholes from the local hardcore punk band that were opening up for Flotsam over in England. I asked why would they do that since Michael was a little guy and very soft-spoken? Well, just before they put a beating on him, they made a point of telling him what a pussy-ass band Flotsam was. Apparently the punks were trying to make a statement that they were way more hardcore than Flotsam (or any American thrash band probably) would ever be. After that, I guess Michael lost his desire to tour with strange bands in strange lands, so he quit.

Not sure if this story is all true, partly true, or just a crock of shit since I haven't seen or talked to Michael since about '95 or so. It was a long time ago that I was told this story, and I might be remembering some things wrong, or it could be the guy I talked to was just blowing smoke up my ass.

Not sure why I'm telling you all this or why I posted at all since I haven't heard the new album yet and cannot comment on it. I guess that's what happens when a buddy stops by late on a Saturday night, packs your nose with the good stuff and then leaves you alone with just your computer for company. :yow:
Just wanted to bump this and say that I am really loving this album now. IMO this is one of the best performances of AK's career...and this album DOES thrash when it needs to! I am digging this just as much as the Accept album, at this point...

I would love to know who the lyrics are about. They are morbid and dark and he (or whoever wrote them) is PISSED at somebody!!!!
I really don't need to make a reply of my opinion of Flots, because you just stated mine along with yours. However, just replace Doomsday with "No Place For Disgrace" with me.


Flotsam, although one of my fave bands back in the day, has always been hit and miss with me; Doomsday being the only exception as that album kicked my balls from beginning to end. It always seems like I LOVE about half the songs on each album and the others just miss the mark. I should make a best of Flotsam cd for myself with just my fave songs because I don't listen to them very often (except Doomsday which I play all the time) mainly because I'm an album guy rather than a song guy. When I want to hear a band I usually put an album in and listen start to finish.