FLOTSAM & JETSAM - Think We Should Quit?


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
FLOTSAM AND JETSAM bassist Jason Ward has posted the following band update at the group's Message Board:

"I have heard some complaints about the band not touring and the DVD, our last record, our new label, my apparent drug abuse...

First off, this band has been around a long long time. We have seen our share of good and bad days. Nowadays, we are living much different lives and don't even live in the same state anymore. I miss the guys, and while we have all had our differences in the past, I can honestly say I love them all like brothers. Kelly and Mike, you too!

You all are entitled to your opinions about our music. Personaly, not to hurt anyone's feelings, but we could give a f*ck less what anyone thinks about our music... never have.

Sure it rules when you think it is great, but it does not change the fact that we do what we do because we enjoy it. Now more than ever.

Crash is a small label... they do their best to keep Flotsam alive. As a band, we all have other things going on and as we get older, we are finding other things are more important to us. That's life...

We try to do as much as we can to keep being creative and put out great music, and beleive me it aint easy! if you think it is... you try it, you f*ckin amatuer critics! (and by the way... REAL WORLD? get a f*ckin life allready you retarded stalker creep, do you do anything with your worthless life but hang around our board?)

I personaly am always thrilled and amazed we are able to continue making music at all, and for a band that has more or less retired, these DVDs and CDs are for those who still want to hear us play, the rest of you can F#ck off you panzy ass fart stains on the ass of the earth. Please dont buy the stuff. It's not for you anyway.

The CD and the DVDs are what we have left to give you, and what Crash can help us to put out. Thats it. The alternative is to not make records at all and fade away, which will happen inevitably.

So for those of you who do enjoy it, thank you for listnening. Maybe you can make it to one of our shows, and I am sorry there won't be as many as you all would like, but I know I will have a ton of fun along with the other guys in the band just getting a chance to play once in a while.

I can say that I will be making the effort to make another album if the rest of the band is in and hopefully it will all come together in the next year... so for those who think we should quit, blow me, we aint done just yet and the fact it might piss you off is even more motivation for me you jackasses..."

NP: Blind Guardian - 'Skalds And Shadows'
The band has been around forever mnay respects for that because it is hard to survive, but i must say i haven't dug anything as much as doomsday for the deceiver!
I'm not particularly fond of their style but they'll always have a soft spot with me. I saw them so many times back when they were little more than a bar band. It was a lot of fun to watch them grow and become successful. It was really fun when Jason got picked to join Metallica. There's something cool about seeing someone from the local bar scene go national.
I saw the band @ the Brave Words & Bloody Knuckles Six Pack Fest II Festival in 2004. They were great along with DORO, and METAL CHURCH, and PRIMAL FEAR, and SEVEN WITCHES. They should keep playing. \m/
I don't think they should hang it up. They are playing for the love of the music period. They aren't making much if any money from it. They can't even tour, because they have full time jobs and are on such a small label. They just want to make music, even if it is only for a few thousand fans. I give any band credit to keep it going like they are. You may not like them musically, but you gotta respect thier perseverance!:headbang:
I've always loved Flots...enough that they would easily make my top 20 bands ever. Their perseverance is what their fans love about them. They've never really gone more than 3 years in between albums, so I'm not sure there was ever a "break-up". AK left for a piece (or maybe all) of the My God tour, but it never affected them in the studio. I'm quite content with them doing what they're doing.

And Doomsday IS a masterpiece.
I don't really think you can compare them to Kiss or Motley Crue. It's not like they are getting together to make millions of dollars even though they hate each other. They obviously still love making music and that's all. Otherwise they would have quit many years ago.

Sixx, you should really check out 'Drift'. It's one of thier best IMO.:headbang:
SavaRon said:
I don't really think you can compare them to Kiss or Motley Crue. It's not like they are getting together to make millions of dollars even though they hate each other. They obviously still love making music and that's all. Otherwise they would have quit many years ago.
I agree wholeheartedly.

And I know this is totally subjective to opinion, but Flots are still putting out good material. They better not call it quits, I really liked Dreams Of Death.
I recently watched their latest DVD and the band still looks like they hate each other. When I watch bands live I am used to them giving glances across the stage to each other and giving those smiles that let you know they are having fun up there. That is what makes it fun for me. Never once on this DVD was there any of that. I don't think they ever even looked at each other the whole set. Dreams has no passion either.

This used to be one of my favorite bands of all time and I can't stand them anymore. They need to just stop.
Wyvern said:
And Motley Crue :heh:

I defense of Motley, they've never said they were done. KISS threatened then went on the never ending farewell tour...
Flotsam never made it big, they peaked years ago and they are "always" on the verge of breaking up for good... It's always false threat. I'd love for them to either shit or get off the pot. I think the internet has just allowed them to get more attention, than they used when they would get a corner in Metal Maniacs or Metal Edge....:lol:
sixxswine said:
I defense of Motley, they've never said they were done. KISS threatened then went on the never ending farewell tour...

I don't want to start a feud (if I haven't done yet), I'm not a big fan of FAJ (only have the first two albums) but they have never (as long as I know) been constantly on the spotlight venting their disagreements and making a show off the whole disband/reunite thingie like Van Halen, Kiss, Motley Crue and some other commercial bands.

And even Iron Maiden, Judas Priest and Black Sabbath suffered from the syndrome (and I recall what many of them told/called about each other in the past after the break up).

I prefer a more honest attitude in which separation is definitive or the band choose to stay on a low profile and maybe release something from time to time but not cashing on dreams of fans.

$0.03 thoughts at 19:11 on a Sunday

NP: Suicidal Tendencies - 'Human Guinea Pig'