Floyd Rose Help


Feb 26, 2003
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I just took off all the strings on my Jackson SL-3 so that I could replace the pickup. Now I am trying to restring it and I want to get it tuned to standard. But to get it to standard the bridge is pulled WAY to high by the strings. I have my springs in the back in the Alexi/roope setup. I have asked a similar question before and everyone was helpful. How far should I screw in the thing that the springs connect to in the back (i think its called the claw)? Is there a way I can just loosen the strings a whole bunch and basically start over and bring it to the right tuning keeping the bridge at the right level? nothing I am trying works. Any help would be appreciated.

well, all you would basically have to do is just go by trial and error method.

What I would do, not saying this is right, would be to give the claw in the back 2 good full turns and then tune the guitar to standard, see how much more you might have to screw it in and just do it from the tuned position. I mean that wouldn't matter, if you already have it tuned to E standard then just screw it in until its good and level.
If you don't already know how to setup a floyd yourself, just take it to a shop and have them do it. Especially with the fucking 580 floyd copy that the SL-3's have, those things are a bitch. If I were you I would pay $325 and have a Floyd Pro put in and set up at a music shop.
Just loosen the strings until it's about half as "tilted" then tighten the claw screws until the trem is level. Then tune them approximately, then re-adjust the screws etc. until you have perfect tuning and the bridge is level. With a bit of experience, you know just how much to loosen/tighten the strings and the screws.

Intonation shouldn't be a problem, if it was adjusted properly in the first place. Check out http://eastonguitars.com/WWW/TPS/VIDPGS/VIDPG1.html for nice instructional videos on how to setup a floyd.

and yeah, get an original floyd.
i fucking hate the ft580!!!! my damn bar will not stay put anywhere after doing a bunch of vaiesque stuff and i have to leave the spring cover off and have the fucking allen wrench there so that it doesnt pop out, i wonder if superglue would hold that fucker?
I must say... THe original floyd on my KV2 is a million times better than the licensed crap on my BCR/Jackson.

ALTHOUGH. The BC Rich licensed floyds on the Pre-'03 NJ's are the best licensed floyds i have ever played. Jackson ones suck.
I've replaced strings a few times with the FR bridge from having none on at all...and I've restrung them one string at a time several times...so its not like I have never dealt with it. In fact I've never owned a guitar without one. I finally did get the guitar to Eb tuning, but the screws in the back are all the way in for it to be flat. I may indeed go to a guitar shop and have a floyd rose pro put in as well.
What you do...

is you unscrew the screws about 6 eights of the way... Tighten the strings up so the bridge is above level... (sticking up). then loosen them and so the bridge falls and it should lie flat... (this may take about 8-10 attempts)