Hey guys,
Been playing guitar for about 5 years now, and a few days ago my new Jackson RR-1 came in the mail (absolutely amazing by the way) I've never had a guitar with a floyd rose trem before, and i had a few quick questions. Jackson guitars come stock with .9 gauge strings, now i usually tune to D standard, sometimes drop C, and i know the stock strings are wayyy to light for that. I usually use 10 gauge, but i heard its better to use 11 gauge strings when playing through a floyd tuned down. Can anyone explain why that is? Also, when I decide which heavier gauge to switch to, I need to bring it to a shop and get the guitar's innotation and trem re setup? Thanks a lot!

Been playing guitar for about 5 years now, and a few days ago my new Jackson RR-1 came in the mail (absolutely amazing by the way) I've never had a guitar with a floyd rose trem before, and i had a few quick questions. Jackson guitars come stock with .9 gauge strings, now i usually tune to D standard, sometimes drop C, and i know the stock strings are wayyy to light for that. I usually use 10 gauge, but i heard its better to use 11 gauge strings when playing through a floyd tuned down. Can anyone explain why that is? Also, when I decide which heavier gauge to switch to, I need to bring it to a shop and get the guitar's innotation and trem re setup? Thanks a lot!