Floyd rose?

Katalepsy said:
Do you (anyone) think that it would be a good idea to buy a guitar equipped with a Floyd Rose (Licensed or otherwise), for the experience (or any other reason)? Or do you think it might be somewhat difficult to adjust to it after having a tailpiece for the last 2 and a half years?
The biggest learning curve is in simply learning to change/replace/tune strings efficiently. You do have to be careful about picking hand placement especially while string muffling because it is easy to push back on the tremola which will make your guitar go sharp, but compared to the learning curve of fretting and picking cleanly, it is pretty minor and if you don't mind going through the struggles of tuning, I don't think it is much harder to play than a guitar with a standard tremola are stop tail.
As far as the person who blocks their tremolas.... I see absolutely nothing wrong with it. If you like the fine tuners and locking nuts etc. using a Floyd is the way to go. It's much easier to turn a tremola into a fixed (of sorts) than a fixed bridged guitar into one with a trmola.
As opposed to simply "stylistic" reasons why I don't use more guitars with a Floyd is the fact I am good at tuning more quickly with my machine gear tuners and it's nothing more than personal preference and practice/familiarity like anything else.

I always lost the little block in the bottom that holds the string in and seeing my carpet is so damned long i always lost them and my only guitar store that had them was 45 mins drive away and they hardly ever had any and costed say 35 cents so I dont use the floyd anymore.
I recommend unless you have patience to skip getting one because it takes too long to re-string and my esp I have now takes like 5 mins compared to like 15 mins to half an hour that it always took me to restring my jackson floyd rose damnit.
Loner said:
I don't reccomend getting a Floyd unless you plan on using it a lot. The're a lot more word than a fixed bridge, and your tone isn't as good due to the bridge not being mounted directly on the body. However, with that said, I do love the way they feel on my picking hand, and 4 out of my 5 guitars have them (1 is an original).

On a side note, how's it going, Feicht? I haven't seen you around since I stopped visiting The Frozen Palace's board.

oh hey hows it hanging dude? you should come back to the ole iced earth board :)

anyway, as far as the "learning curve", i wouldn't buy a crappy floyd just to learn. it doesn't take long at all, the biggest thing to get used to is not pushing down too hard
Feicht said:
oh hey hows it hanging dude? you should come back to the ole iced earth board :)

anyway, as far as the "learning curve", i wouldn't buy a crappy floyd just to learn. it doesn't take long at all, the biggest thing to get used to is not pushing down too hard
Last time I checked, Abysslord only had a tab discussion forum up.
Loner said:
Last time I checked, Abysslord only had a tab discussion forum up.

oh wow, its been that long?? well the new address is

its gone through different incarnations, but it should be mostly people you remember. brian (the wicked child) is in charge... and alot of people you might remember are mods now. anyway couldn't hurt to stop by :)

russ doesn't have anything to do with this one, though i think he's stopped by on occasion in various different names. what basically happened was one day i guess he got sick of people posting (albeit jokingly) racial comments, so he just shut the board down. brian and eibe both started up boards within a week, and most people migrated to one or the other, with eibe's being more of an official style one, and brians being mostly like the old one. anyway yeah, come check it out :grin:
Loner said:
I just tried to register, I got a "page cannot be displayed" message when I clicked on my registration confirmation link.

hmm, that's weird. i would keep trying. if all else fails, try hitting brian or nikola up on aim thewickedchild03 and aanikola111 respectively