FMR comps?

006 said:
So explain more. I think I know what you are saying, so I'll explain back to you, lol. You tell me if it's not what you mean...You mean I shouldn't use the comp to make the fingerpicking sound even with the strumming, as far as the same level goes, because fingerpicking isn't as loud as strumming, so making it JUST as loud won't sound as good as using a comp just a tad to bring up the fingerpicking to a level that is *perceived* as the same loudness? Lol. If that makes sense (my explanation back to you), hehe. Latah.


Thats sorta what i mean, but the problem with fingerpicking is you have to be damn good at it to get an even volume throughout a part... so a lot of guitarists use a comp to make sure each plucked note is the same volume giving the impression that they can actually play well that way hehe