Acoustic guitar mics...


Jan 10, 2005
Ok, so I need two microphones. Both condensor, or one condensor one ribbon, whatever. Combination has to be under $2k or like just above it ($2,100US). I need one that is fantastic for vocals, and that can be used on acoustic guitars and stringed instruments (cello, etc.), and I need one that is basically the "king" of acoustic guitar mic'ing...also needs to be able to be used on cellos and whatnot. I was thinking of a combination like...

Neumann TLM103
Royer R-121 ribbon

No? I plan on running both on any acoustic guitar I will be recording, both at once on the same guitar. Both going into a FMR Really Nice Compressor, and into a Digi002R. Input please. Latah.

I think the Rode microphones are pretty good, I have a NTK (tube) and a NT1000 and I like them a lot. They both work well for vocals and they combine very well on acoustic guitars as well. And they are very under your budget, so you could get a good tube preamp bonus :). I tried a pair of AGK C-451 on acoustic guitar the other day and it sounded fantastic, I know I'll use these again ! I used them on a flute too and it was great ! But I guess that for cellos you'd better go with large diaphragm microphones tho... You could consider the AKG C-414 too.
As for your sound chain, you plan to go into the compressor before the pre-amp ? I'm not sure about this at all...
Hope this helps. (Sorry I never tried TLM103 nor R-121 so I can't comment on these)
i have had fantastic results with my Røde K2 recording my Jose Ramirez 2CWE nylon string classical acoustic.
Lol Matt....are you serious, he will just send me one so that I can try it out? I say latah at the end just by habit over years and years of posting on forums. Can't help it. Anyway, I keep hearing about this Soundelux U195, everywhere that I have posted about this at least one person has mentioned it. So maybe I should try one out. Anything else?

What about a mic mainly for vocals? Is the TLM103 not good enough or what? Heh. Anyway, keep ideas coming. Latah.

I've used the TLM103 for Vocals, sounds great. Used it last night to record dialogue for a video game too.

For acoustic guitar I generally use a couple KM184's, or blend those with AT4050's.
I used to get a nice acoustic guitar sound using a combination of a C1000 pointing at the 12th fret, a Rode NT2 pointing at the centre of the soundboard bracing (I could go into the reasons why but talking about 3 dimensional modes of vibration at 11:28pm is too much for my brain) and a C414 pointing at the soundhole. All three mics are cheap enough for you to still afford a mic just for vocals.
C1000 is what brand? I didn't know the at4050 was good for acoustic guitars. Also, not saying what you guys are recommending is wrong or anything, but I thought that small diaphragm condensors were better for acoustic guitars, right? Anyway, keep the stuff coming. Latah.

Ok, I found a matched pair of Josephson C42 small diaphragm FET condensors at Mercenary for $950. So there are my main acoustic mics right there, hehe. Now the question is: Neumann TLM103 or WHAT? I need this other mic for vocals, but also to use it on acoustic guitars, or anything for that matter. Something open, yet warm. I'm sure one of you know what I mean.

Also, I was told about a Pendulum Audio MDP-1, it's a dual channel class-a tube pre for mics. Looks like a solid pre, any thoughts? It's cheaper (I think) than the Avalon that I want. The guy said it has an old "hi-fi" sound that still doesn't color, which is what I want for my acoustic stuff. But then again, what about the other stuff I like to record? Thoughts? Latah.
