This site is absolute gold.

It's mindless hours of laughing at others' misfortunes.

Today, I went bowling with my mom and she paid for 2 games. By the 6th frame of game 1 she was bored and to get her money back for both games she told the employees I shit my pants. I'm 17. FML
Some are great, but I wish we could slap the hell out of all of the whiny teens with their "Oops I farted in front of my crush and he won't eat my asshole now WAAH" bullshit.

"Today, I wanted a car and I didn't get one because the world wasn't made just to please me. FML."

"Today, I finally got my comeuppance for being a self-centered cunt with no redeeming qualities and would rather whine about it than actually be worth anything. FML."

"Today, the guy I've liked for OMG LIEK A DECADE started dating someone that wasn't me because he has interests of his own and I'm a moron that couldn't turn guys on if they had light switches built into them. FML."

Go die. Goddamned kids, get the fuck off my lawn!

i love kitties. i love kitties SO MUCH. but I laughed at this one.

"Today, I was snuggling with my neighbors four week old kitten while babysitting their kids. I fell asleep, rolled over, and woke up next to a dead kitten. FML"
i've been visiting this site for awhile now! its amazing :D

"Today, at a family Seder, (a Jewish service for Passover), my mom served matzah balls during the festive meal. Considering how much I love matzah balls and there aren't many options for me to eat because I'm a vegetarian, I shouted, "I like really big balls!" in front of my entire family. FML"
This weekend the technical metal band I was recording opted not to use a click after I begged them to do so the entire time that I was setting up drum mics. After wrapping everything up, we went to my home studio to mix and they decided the performance wasn't very tight and I needed to beatmap everything. FML.
This weekend the technical metal band I was recording opted not to use a click after I begged them to do so the entire time that I was setting up drum mics. After wrapping everything up, we went to my home studio to mix and they decided the performance wasn't very tight and I needed to beatmap everything. FML.

"Today, I was having cybersex via webcam with my boyfriend. Trying to be as sexy as I could, I started sucking on my finger. Judging by the look on my boyfriend's face, he was getting really into it. As I started getting into it too, I shoved my finger too far down and puked all over my laptop. FML"

"Today, I went up to a secluded mountain my boyfriend took me to for our first date. As I saw another couple hooking up in the bushes, I phoned my boyfriend to tell him someone found our secret spot. His Bob Marley ringtone started playing from the bush. FML"

This shit is fucking hilarious!!