Focusrite isa one problem

Oct 27, 2007
Montreal, Canada
I had this preamp for about 2 months, for vocals it works perfectly, but there is something a bit strange going on when tracking DIs using the hi-z input. Even with the gain set to the minimum, DIs are super loud, clipping a bit sometimes in cubase. For bass it was fine but not for guitars.

I'm plugging the focusrite isa one from its send insert to the line input on the rear panel of the profire 2626 ( this was it bypasses profire preamp).
Yup, he's very hot, funny thing is:
I have probs with bass tracking, guitars don't peak(EMG or not)...

Work with your interfaces pad, if possible.

Yeah I know the preamp has a shitload of gain, works well with mics especially my sm7b, I get a really clean signal, but it seems there's too much gain for gtrs...Maybe I should get a DI box.
This is very common with a lot of DI's that don't have a pad. In my experience, a lot of guitar DI output's are just straight up loud. The quickest solution is to either buy an attenuator, or turn down the volume knob on your guitar. Also, why aren't you using the DI output on the back of your ISA-One instead of the send? It's line too.
yeah I would try what devon mentioned about going out of the di out on the isa.... also check to make sure that the input on your profire(or software i/o settings) is set for +4 db and not -10db this could be the issue. or see if your isa one output can be set to -10 db
The idiots at Focusrite don't bother doing R&D tests with like, you know, instruments.

Sure, they call them instrument DI inputs, but that doesn't mean they should work with an instrument like a fucking GUITAR!!!

Don't bother asking Focusrite about this issue. They don't see this as a problem.

In short, fuck focusrite.:hahamiddlefinger: Fuck their support team right in the ass.

btw :
The idiots at Focusrite don't bother doing R&D tests with like, you know, instruments.

Sure, they call them instrument DI inputs, but that doesn't mean they should work with an instrument like a fucking GUITAR!!!

Don't bother asking Focusrite about this issue. They don't see this as a problem.

In short, fuck focusrite.:hahamiddlefinger: Fuck their support team right in the ass.

btw :

I checked your thread and I definitely have the same problem than you, with the same pickup (duncan jb). I recorded with another guitar with a Dimarzio and it was fine most of the time but the signal is way hotter than I would like and there's also a bit of clipping, like 2-3 chords by song..and the level was at 0...

I'll try some things today.