Folk albums similar to or in the vein of...


May 14, 2005
I hate to be one to do one of these threads, but the last one that was started got deleted, I believe. I also searched and did not find anything of interest. So, would you guys please recommend folk albums similar to or in the vein of these:

Ulver - Kveldssanger
Nest - Woodsmoke
Empyrium - Where at Night... and Weiland
October Falls - Tuoni and Marras
Graumahd - Graumahd

I believe those are all of the ones that I know of. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Current 93 - Thunder Perfect Mind
Sol Invictus - The Blade
Death In June - But, What Ends When the Symbols Shatter?
Nature and Organisation - A Dozen Summers Against The World (This might not be their best album, but I like it)
Tenhi - Väre
Harmaa - Airut:Aamujen
Of The Wand and Of The Moon - Nighttime Nightrhymes
Fire + Ice - Rûna
Orplid - Orplid
Darkwood - Flammende Welt

I've got a couple of other albums which are supposed to be good I'm not too familar with them.
I second most bands mentioned especially Sol Invictus and Darkwood, also:

Backworld - Isles of the Blest
Sonne Hagal - Helfahrt
All of the above (except c93) + Ainulindalë + Krynitza

Also I would suggest "Kauan" instead of "Väre" for a first Tenhi album
i think death in june are pretty embarrassingly awful but whatever :eek:: Sol Invictus is probably the best band in that whole world serpent/dutro thing, you should check out on the "hill of crosses as well," and you will feel the agust indo-european tradition coursing through your veins. thunder perfect mind (the c93 one) is also awesome, as is "all the pretty little horses."

also you need to check out comus's album "fiurst utterance" since pretty much every "apocalyptic folk" band mentioned here have stolen ideas from them (it's also an awesome album :cool: )
no actually current 93 is the one that is embarrassingly awful

death in june is embarrassingly awful except on the two good LP's which are really cool but even then i would agree sol invictus is stronger :D
Erik said:
no actually current 93 is the one that is embarrassingly awful

death in june is embarrassingly awful except on the two good LP's which are really cool but even then i would agree sol invictus is stronger :D

david tibet is such a gothy dreamboat, though... douglas p. is just fat and old :puke:
I second the Comus album. It doesn't necessarily sound much like what I've heard of the albums listed above, but it's a folk album that needs to be experienced atleast once on account of it being totally insane. Great album.

You might also like this:

It's instrumental music by YaYo who used to post on UM (or possibly still does, I'm not really sure). It's not strictly folk but it does have folky influences (kind of like the acoustic passages in older Opeth).

Another album I really like is Haglaz' Runedance - The Winds That Sang of Midgard's Fate. But some people might consider it a little too hippy'ish compared to the folk albums made by metal bands I guess. I think it's good though.
Hagalaz' Runedance. My favourite album is 'Volven'
All right, thanks guys. I've checked out a few of those neofolk bands before, but I'll go back and look again. And thanks for reminding me to check out Ainulindalë, I totally forgot about them. I was looking forward to Birk's post, considering his avatar. But I appreciate all of the posts.
Guthrum said:
So, would you guys please recommend folk albums similar to or in the vein of these:

Ulver - Kveldssanger
Nest - Woodsmoke
Empyrium - Where at Night... and Weiland
October Falls - Tuoni and Marras
Graumahd - Graumahd

Check out Sig:Ar:Tyr and Carved in stone; and the Finntroll folk album (Visor om Slutet)

Make sure to check the Nest demo (Fabled Lore) in my humble opinion its even better than the full length.

Tenhi is also a good suggestion, though they're not that "traditional"

Erik said:
Also I would suggest "Kauan" instead of "Väre" for a first Tenhi album


p.s. What are these guys from Graumahd playing ?