

Scaldic Art
Jan 11, 2002
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Someone know folk-bands like Otyg but than without metal-guitars? I can only find some Celtic and Irish bands but they doesn't sound like Otyg.
Yeah, I've been wanting to know about this too!
I don't know ANY good folk bands, cause there's
nowhere to find out what's good! I don't know
any people into that kind of music! >:eek:P

There's a recordstore here in Oslo, that has lots
of folk music, but I can't just buy something, and
I hate to listen to music in recordstores >:eek:P

Hey, YMIR, what are those Irish and Celtic bands
like? Maybe I should check them out? :eek:)
Tell me more, tell me more :eek:)
Well, some great folk-bands worth checking out : Garmarna, Triakel, Folque, Tva Fisk Och en Fläsk, Fenja Menja, Kari Rueslatten (especially the "Spindelsinn"-album!) and Gjallarhorn.

My personal faves at this moment are Garmarna "Guds Spelemän" and Folque "Folque".
blackspirit: I know Ossian, a Celtic/Scottish folk-band. Their music is good. The voices are the mainly difference with the traditional scandinaviën folk, I think.

You could try out Planxty, Battlefield Band and Bothy Band too. They sounds like Ossian. They are Celtic bands too.

Blackspirit, I saw you likes Haggard very much?! Maybe you should try out some medieval music. I like that music!!
Originally posted by YMIR
Blackspirit, I saw you likes Haggard very much?! Maybe you should try out some medieval music. I like that music!!

Yeah, I love Haggard. Anything like them, or
halfway down that path needs to be checked
out, so flash the medieval bands YMIR! >:eek:)

Doesn't have to be metal, I'm just curious
what other types of music there is out there :eek:)

I'll search for some of the bands you have
mentioned here, and hopefully I'll like them.
I love discovering new bands :eek:)
Blackspirit, maybe you should try Vømmøl Spellmannslag. They've got lots of fun stuff, but not exactly metal. I like 'em tho. If i'm not too far off they sound a bit like Björn Rosenström and Eläkeläiset, only they've been playing since late 60's or something.

I Vømmøladala der va de ein gjeng
Hei på jussibassi jussibassi jom
Som fæsta å tura å ødsla me pæng
Hei på jussibassi jussibassi jom
Originally posted by Fleischwolf
check out hagalaz runedance!

I like that band a lot.

Ambeon is kind of folk-ethereal form what I've heard.

Loreena McKennit has some cool songs too.

(This isn't a subject I know much about, so I'm not sure if my suggestions are at all what you're looking for.)
great tips ppl! I´ll check ´em all out...:D

I have nothing in return tho... Well maybe I have, but it has nothing to do with folk-music...:)

Some Swedish folk bands are Garamana and Hedningarna. Hedningarna did a song which Finntroll covered, btw.

Off the beaten path, yet still along the same vein in some strange kind of way is Iodine Jupiter. But unless you're in Sweden, it will be nearly impossible to find (and probably very difficult even if you're in Sweden).
oh! we have this great tv program called Hidrogen here on the catalan channel, it's just about folk and celtic. It's awesome I love it!!!!!!!! Here we have some stores just for that type of music!!
saw this thread this afternoon and it reminded me that i have Kari's "spindelsinn"....shame on me for not having listened to such a wonderful CD for such a long time :(
Yup, Ambeon has a touch of celtic.
Bukkene Bruse makes great music to. They make new music and play old music in a new way, still holding on to the traditional. Great!
blackspirit: about the medieval bands. I don't know bands who make this kind of music but I find some music in the library.
In another tread someone, I believe it was Fleischwolf, know Stille Folk. I haven't checked it out because it's hard to find but they make medieval folkmusic. I think you must check this band out too.

- Is there someone who have links to sites were you can listen, folk, folklore or medieval music?!?