
Hey Fleischwolf, and the others who is interested of course.
You ask me a time ago if there are bands who make Dutch folkmetal?? Well, I find a band called Grimm.

Check out the site

I saw they have Dutch and German lyrics.
I haven't checked it out but I think this is a very interessting band.

Here an example:

"Van het rooken ende smooken, nobele baazen stopt eens maat!
Broeders dampt in wijde kringen, spreidt den rook van 't edelst kruid.
Ja, wij willen onder het zingen ons met balsemlucht omringen.
Van het rooken ende smooken, nobele bazen stopt eens maat!

Ja, wij willen onder het zingen ons met balsemlucht omringen,
blazen 't neus en lippen uit. Ja, ik blijf wat moog verkeren wachten op des
levens baan, eeuwig den tabak vereren, tot na 't heen en weer
marcheren's levens pijp is uitgegaan!"

Funny, isn't it??!?!?
:D :D
oh, dan ben ik niet verbast erover!:grin:
well, i think we'll stick to english now, even though i'd love to practice!:)
it shows very good, how close dutch and german are related and even more how similar they were some centuries ago! dutch is so similar to northern german dialects. even though i know you some of the dutchmen don't like to hear that! :D
well ymir, the band is really good, thank you, would have liked to download some more, but couldn't find anything!:cry:

well, this maybe doesn't fit the topic, but in which town do you live, ymir?
i hope not in the "randstad", otherwhise you would be unhappy as a naturfilosof!:)

hmm, this would rather fit the nature thread, but whatever!:spin:
No, I live not in the Randstad and of course I won't. I live on the land near by Apeldoorn. That is in the East of Holland. I live close to the forest ( het Kroondomein) so I like where I'm living. Maybe I post some pictures in the Nature-thread.:D :D

About the German lyrics: I like bands like In Extremo. They have German lyrics and I like that. By the way the new album of In Extremo I don't like. It's sounds pretty commercial but that is in my oppinion. :)

I checked out Grimm now and I think it is a good band to. Very funny lyrics.
Originally posted by YMIR

About the German lyrics: I like bands like In Extremo. They have German lyrics and I like that. By the way the new album of In Extremo I don't like. It's sounds pretty commercial but that is in my oppinion. :)

ha, i've said exactly the same thing on the "now playing" thread":D :) :D :)
If you like Folk/FolkMetal-music with German lyrics you should definetely check out SUBWAY TO SALLY. In my opinion they're even lot better than IN EXTREMO !!!
i've only heard a couple of songs but i don't like it very much either, the voice annoys me and i refused for a long time to listen to it because of the name, and it stills bothers me... i prefer In Extremo :) :D
Originally posted by BlackFairy
If you like Folk/FolkMetal-music with German lyrics you should definetely check out SUBWAY TO SALLY. In my opinion they're even lot better than IN EXTREMO !!!

I checked them out just a few days ago,
and I really liked what I heard! :o)
When I find the time I'll check out more :o)

Rammstein? Noup. I have never bothered
listening much to them. First off their
imige puts me off, and the music just isn't
my uhm..."style"? I can't get into them...
well, guesss you have to understand the lyrics, they are really ehm "special":grin:
even though i wonder why they are so popular in america, maybe it's the image of "the evil german" :bah:
well, i like them their image kind of appeals to me (and the are really no nazis, it's ok, if you don't like their music, but that's bullshit)!
well, whatever, i admit, rammstein don't fit into this forum!