
Originally posted by Fleischwolf
i just found this band: adhur!
a basque pagan band with folk elements! pretty good! check it out!

Yumme!!! I checked them out.
Downloaded: Adhur - Akelarreko Batzarra from
Audiogalaxy and I must say I like this, a lot! :o)
I'm dowloading some more songs as we speak,
to see if the rest is as good as this! Seems like
I'll have to go out shopping cd's again! :o)

The flutes remind me of Rakoth, but they're
A LOT different >:oP The way the songs are
changing directions all the time..... I it!
More! Gimme more! hehe.... :o)

And; is it true that Empyrium are releasing a
tripple cd in not too long?! The official site
doesn't seem to have any updates.....
triple cd???????
well I guess the only studio album that beats that is the last album from Andrés Calamaro who released a 5 cd album with more than 100 songs!!!!!!!

fathervic (widening his horizons)
and who is Andrés Calamaro if i may ask???

Ñ wooooow i've just discovered by chance (hehe this is how i call my mistyping :p) how i can get this spanish ñ Ñ ñ tralala

~Mel~( who doesn't listen to meloñian music :p )
oh! Ñ my beloved Ñ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is the true Identity of Spanish culture, no bullfighting, no Sevillanas, no paella, no Calella, no organtress...but Ñ!!!!
oh! Andres Calamaro is Los Rodriguez singer, but he went solo when the band split!
not metal, mainly Spanish rock (though they're from Argentina)
the Ñ doesn't exist also in portuguese ?

me thought the true Identity of Spanish was your '¿'
i have always wondered what it means ...
@blackspirit:great that you like adhur! they are definitelly worth checking even though i've never heard of this band before eighter! kinda exotic with basque lyrics, but i like it!:)

about the next empyrium release:i've heard too, that they gonna release a triple cd, but i've read on the dornenreichforum, i think it was somber soul who posted it, that the cd's are only going to be 20 min each! however, that's only rumours!:confused: :spin:

well, about those foreign letters: when you press the alt key and type in a number in the keyboardsection on the right, you can get some cool letters! :D :cool:
i've recently checked out all those scandinavian letters, my keyboard(i've a german one) doensn't have a button for:
:grin: :cool: :grin: :cool:
i knew that, the number correspond to the ASCII code of the letter ...
but for a mysterious reason, my Windows became weird (ok, that's not so mysterious :lol:)

i cannot write all the characters which are on my french keyboard, for example, if i push one time on ^ i have that : ^^ (it's annoying as hell, since normally when you push it one time, it writes nothing, but adds the accent on the next letter you write (the letter being a-e-i-o-u) ...

and when i use the ASCII code, it writes stupid thing :
for example :
alt + 145 : ¢À
146 ¢¼

:confused: what the utility of writing ¢À ???
Originally posted by aegis
i cannot write all the characters which are on my french keyboard, for example, if i push one time on ^ i have that : ^^ (it's annoying as hell, since normally when you push it one time, it writes nothing, but adds the accent on the next letter you write (the letter being a-e-i-o-u) ...
now it is mysterious 'cause the same thing happened to my keyboard a while ago (for no apparent reason) and then it got back to normal :confused:

Originally posted by opacity
I read that Tenhi will record a new album :) looking forward...! :spin:
that's great news!!!! there isn't a smiley happy enough for the occasion!... i love Tenhi! ok, i think i made it clear, now i can stop yelling :spin::zzz:
Originally posted by aegis
and when i use the ASCII code, it writes stupid thing :
for example :
alt + 145 : ¢À
146 ¢¼

:confused: what the utility of writing ¢À ???

i am quoting myself ... can't even agree with myself :(

just to say that the characters i can read now are not the same that those that i wrote with the combination alt + numbers ...
i can actually read a letter (not the good one i fear) with another caracter before ...
but when i use the combination, it writes a symbol ... for example, with 153, it's a heart ♥, but i guess that when my post will be printed, it will be another caracters :confused:
What about the icelandic letters edd and thorn? Those Djöfull manage to use? I can use them in Word, but I haven't found a way to use them here or anywhere else... (But then I don't know much about computer stuff...:p )
@ymir: stille folk is a french band doing folklore from the pyrenees!

@fleischwolf: is folklore another name or is it just folkmusic?!?
I read Emperium is dark folklore and it sounds not really folk, so maybe you can it explain to me??:confused:
Originally posted by YMIR

@fleischwolf: is folklore another name or is it just folkmusic?!?
I read Emperium is dark folklore and it sounds not really folk, so maybe you can it explain to me??:confused:

well, from my understanding, folklore is fairytales of a certain culture, folk is a traditional form of music!
but i'm no english native speaker eighter, maybe someone else could explain that better!

Originally posted by Fjelltussa
What about the icelandic letters edd and thorn? Those Djöfull manage to use? I can use them in Word, but I haven't found a way to use them here or anywhere else... (But then I don't know much about computer stuff... )

i'd like to get those letters too, but haven't found a way except copy and past them from an icelandic website each time!:(
by the way, which one is the edd and which the thorn? one is this d with the string through it and the other one the strange kind of p?:confused: :confused:
are these icelandic letters: ð þ ?
it's Alt+0240 and Alt+0254
(OR: on my german keyboard it's: Einfügen, Symbol, Arial and then search for the letter and create my own shortcut )
i think also Empyrium is not playing folk music ... or i don't know from which culture is is inspired ... since folklore designs the tradional arts from the FOLK ... so the traditional songs that the folk sang a long time ago...
Empyrium has nothing to do with that ...
i don't know wich is the good genre for Empyrium, but it changes nothing to the fact Empyrium is a great band

For Stille Volk, i confirm they are really playing folk music, from the south-west of France, so it can sound strange to you if you are more used to scandinavian folk ...
Originally posted by aegis
the Ñ doesn't exist also in portuguese ?

me thought the true Identity of Spanish was your '¿'
i have always wondered what it means ...

well in portuguess the Ñ sound is nh as in caipirnha!

but it isn't the only language that uses the '¿' when begining a question, is it???
it's a great way to know when a question begins instead of having to see how the sentence is constructed....methinks!

fathervic (captain Ñ)
/me dumbass and don't understand all these codes and stuff....

but i have all the greek letters on my keyboard...which look exactly the way some icelandic,spanish,norwegian blah blah letters look sometimes on the net.....but they are definitely not the same when written

ò å ñ ô õ è é ï ð ë ê î ç ã ö ä ó á æ ÷ ø ù â í ì Ü ü þ Ý

has anyone really inderstood what i am trying to say??? ;)