Folk music


Jailbait at it's finest!
Nov 26, 2006
Bumblefuck, NY
Not folk metal, I'm talking about just plain ol' fiddles and shit.

I'm a huge fan of Loituma and Kirjava Lintu. Unfortunately it's pretty hard for me to find folk that I actually like. Any reccomendations?
Perhacs sounds good.
I like early Clannad, the pogues and the dubliners. Enough fiddle and flute there. Check out myspace and youtube for songs.
Yeah, The Pogues and The Dubliners is certainly not a bad place to look. I play guitar and banjo in a folk group, it's fun.
Krauka (Viking music)
Gjallarhorn (similar to Hedningarna)
Fejd sound really good but the singing is the only thing I don't like 100%

I found out about Vladiswar Nadishana an multinstrumentalist from Siberia from the Omnia page. Awesome guy!!

songs: ( his cat sings on one of the tunes)

Other projekt
In the contemporary ethnic music Trio "4th Race", three unusual musicians meet to search musical paths besides the mainstream. The Italien Mandola meets the Iranian Tonbak, the South-Indian Morsang meets the Bulgarian Gaida.
Corvus Corax, Saltatio Mortis, Tanzwut, favourites. Especially Schandmaul. Corvus Corax is right on Folk..pure Folk. Medieval Folk..should watch their vids on youtube. There is one short track of theirs called Saltatio Mortis AD Mm..that is nice.