Food ,drinks and sweets

Boiled lamb? That just sounds so nasty. I enjoy lamb chops. I cook them like I might cook a steak. Of course, given how unbelievably expensive they are these days, I don't get them often anymore. I've gotten lamb out before though. In particular I remember getting a lamb dish at this Afgan restaurant.

I've tried alligator. It really was like tough chicken (the tough part might have been due to the preparation).

Outside of a few really disgusting things (sweetbreads? eiw). I will try most anything. I enjoy going out to eat at some different kind of place and ordering the most abstract thing on the menu.

The most disgusting thing I ever did actually try was bear. My uncle had sent some up to my dad, many years ago. It was awful. I had to spit it back out.
Really? I was just watching a show about cuisine in Finland, and the host of the show went to a house where they cooked up bear, and it looked pretty good. I thought I might even try it if the opportunity ever came up.

Now sweetbread (or pan dulce) is really not my thing; it's a staple in most Latino households and my uncle loves it, but I've never cared much for it. Same with a dish called mole; it's like chicken in a sort of chocolate sauce; it tastes gross to me, but it's one of those other things that many Latinos (or maybe Mexicans in particular, since I'm not sure if Central/South Americans eat mole or prepare it differently) like to have, but in this case it's more like an acquired taste. I find most of the time people either love it or hate it; not very many "I can take it or leave it" votes on that one. ;) One of the few instances where I am willing to forgo chocolate!
Buffalo is really good, so is deer if you cook it right.

As for rabbit*shudders* I tried it a few different ways, and hated the flavor and stringy texture. May have been how it was butchered and prepared.
I've always wanted to try turducken, but can't see myself paying THAT much for something that may get thrown away after a few bites.
I LOVE potatoes too! I could never go on a carb-free diet simply because I could never give up potatoes. Mashed, scalloped, baked, fried...I'll eat them in almost any form, except for potato salad. I really hate mayo.

I love potatoes as well. And I also hate mayo.

I've never tried rabbit, or veal. Or turducken, come to think of it. :lol:

I've never heard of "turducken" before.
I've never had it, but it's "turkey-duck-chicken". In other words, you take a turkey, put a duck inside of that, and then a chicken inside of the duck, and cook it in the oven.

I know you don't like dark colas Hyperspace, so I don't suppose you would want to answer this question...

But OK, for those of us soda drinkers out there, how about this blunder about Coke putting the Classics in white cans that look almost identical to the Diet Coke cans? I was watching a news segment on this, and people were swearing up and down that the "white can" Cokes taste different than those in the red cans. The point of the news segment was to point out that people are so used to seeing Coke in the red cans that their minds are "tricked" into believing that the soda tastes different.

However, what really surprised me about the segment was that they didn't mention what I thought was something pretty important. My boyfriend is diabetic, and he almost picked up a case of the "white cans" thinking they were Diet Cokes, and then realizing they weren't! I mean, that could be a disaster for diabetics; picking up what they think are Diet Cokes. If it's true that people are "tricked" into thinking they taste a certain flavor based on the color, then certainly it could work in reverse? A diabetic drinks out of the white cans and thinks they are Diets, and goes into a diabetic coma due to this error! While I am hardly surprised that news segments are so neglectful in their reporting, I was surprised that this particular angle wasn't even mentioned or slightly hinted at. I would think something like this would be the real story; not people putting on blindfolds and trying to prove that "white can" Cokes taste different from "red can" Cokes!

So I actually bought a pack of the "white cans", and I can honestly say, it does not taste in the least bit different to me! So I wanted to ask anyone else if they thought the same, or if they had recently gone into the store picking up a white can thinking it was Diet Coke?

I saved one can, unopened, because you never know; might be a collector's item someday. ;)
I've never had it, but it's "turkey-duck-chicken". In other words, you take a turkey, put a duck inside of that, and then a chicken inside of the duck, and cook it in the oven.

I already like turkey and chicken, but I've never tried duck before.

As for the sodas, I could drink the dark colas if I wanted to, but I prefer not to. I don't have enough experience with Classic Coke or Diet Coke to answer your question about the Diet Coke.

From my experience with Mountain Dew, I notice that Diet Mountain Dew tastes slightly different than the original version. This isn't the case with Diet Mountain Dew Code Red or Diet Mountain Dew Voltage, as they taste the same as their non-diet counterparts.
Not a huge fan of Coke, I prefer Pepsi.

And as for diet anything... yick... it tends to drop my blood sugar too low(which isn't good since I'm hypoglycemic)
Well, we can still be friends. :lol: I'm a Coca-Cola loyalist 'till the end!

The only time I buy Pepsi is either when it's on sale, Cherry Pepsi, or the Throwback Pepsis (because I don't care what anyone says, the Throwbacks are excellent and you can notice the difference with the cane sugar!). For some reason I like Cherry Pepsi better than Cherry Coke. But Cherry Dr. Pepper kicks both their asses!

I used to be a Dr. Pepper loyalist, but after my gallbladder surgery, they never tasted the same to me. So I switched to Coke and never looked back.