For all you HATERS... (an OPETH thread)

Apr 24, 2002
Chicago, Illinois
Opeth tonight in Chicago was nothing short of godly. If I never get the chance to see them live again, i'd be happy seeing this show. I feel sorry for any Opeth fan who misses this tour. The play the entire damnation CD start to finish, and follow it up with Benighted, To Bid you Farewell, Soldier of Fortune (Deep Purple), and close with Face of Melinda.

No growls, just mellow, and just amazing.

Now, Kayo Dot and opeth would be an AMAZING tour. AND, it would help to shut up the fanboys! haaaa!

(can you tell my meds are kicking in?)
To be honest, I don't think I'd want to see an Opeth set consisting of nothing but their softer stuff. I like Opeth, but I think I'd be pretty bored watching them play all of Damnation. An Opeth show without Demon of the Fall just seems wrong.
Baliset said:
yeah it was a great show when i saw it paul. i was totally amazed. but the guy screaming for Demon of the Fall after every song just didn't get it methinks.

We had th same problem in Chicago. Mike was a pro dealing with the heckles. He said for Demon of the Fall "You know, we've played that song here in the states over a hundred times, and NOW you scream for it?".

They had lots of fun with the people. They would shout out names of songs, and the band would start to play it a little bit, like a tiny bit of Stairway to Heaven, and Smoke on the Water. It was funny shit.
mikael = mr funny

he was hilarious at metalfest too, although i cant really remember what he said now

omigod after that show im am so in love with porcupine tree and want to kidnap and molest steven wilson
Opeth and Porcupine Tree (Steven Wilson is GOD) made for a great evening last week...and I did distinctly hear some asshole yelling for Black Rose Immortal between songs. Mikael's best comment was that he wished that he had stayed on the roof of his hotel and got pissed. :)
I've never seen Opeth, but am kinda excited to finally get a chance on Thursday. I really don't care for the growly stuff they do overall, so that's why I finally shelled out the dough to see em this time around. glad to hear reports are good.