Secondly, you're pretty much dead wrong on all accounts. Tell Lady Gaga that the music she writes isn't meaningful or highly emotional (and since when does music have to be the latter?), and she'll probably bitch slap you with the swordfish she's got sewn into the left glove of whatever costume she's wearing at the time.
I actually missed this part at first:
Wow... you are just dead fucking wrong. On virtually all counts - completely off base and just not accurate with any of these statements.
Look, I understand you dig some of the more poppier stuff that many of us just will never like, but don't expect many to see eye to eye.
No one (not even Gareth, even though it may come across that way) is saying that for music to be real art, it has to be over the top avant garde craziness with long drawn out compositions with crazy chaotic dissonance at points with parts of free jazz somehow shoved in between it all.
If that's how I thought about it, I wouldn't be here.
You keep quoting Egan's post, but almost no one like that exists and they certainly don't at the Sneap board.
And anyway, Pink Floyd have proved you can make AWESOME music and sell a bazillion records without resorting to silly costumes.
They even had avant garde elements in their music too.
The average person now "doesn't have the time" (as they would say) to listen to a Pink Floyd album, which typically has songs much longer than the average dance pop song.
While I try to avoid getting stuck into the narrow metalhead mind frame that anything remotely popular is immediately soulless, commercial garbage, I think it's also worth not overstating the value or role of those particular kinds of music. Dance pop is hardly the height of humankind's cultural output. No doubt some of the finest songwriters, producers and technicians in the world work on this music, and they probably care about the output a lot, but that doesn't change that the music itself has remained largely formulaic and 'safe' for some decades now.
.. is hardly soul-moving stuff.
If you can enjoy it for what it is, more power to you, but it's worth not deluding oneself that it's anywhere near the height of artistic output as far as music is concerned. We're not exactly competing with the Romantic era here. I would hope that's obvious to anyone. I would certainly hope it's obvious to those of us who produce full time... as it's important that we not delude ourselves into thinking our production methods mean much more than they actually do. No amount of vocal FX, editing, or re-arranging is going to alter what's inherently a very simple and superficial piece of music. It may be a very difficult to write and execute simple and superficial piece of music, but nonetheless that is what it remains.
One of the major drawback for me is that lyrics like these:
.. are so common in these genres, and to their listeners they perpetuate this sex/fame/fashion obsessed culture that has been spilling out of the US and eating away the rest of the world like a cancer ever since I've been alive. One of the main drawbacks to popular music for me are the negative resonances it has with its target base. There is always a connection based on extremely superficial concepts, and it usually reinforces ideas or stereotypes that are socially counterproductive, vain or just plain idiotic.
If you like to listen to it, more power to you. Just don't overstate its worth.
Most fans of that stuff just aren't interested in the deeper side of things in general.
Stereotypes can quite often have a real basis in reality, as I've come to learn.
Many of the blond popular girls during high school really are as shallow as they appeared on the surface. The type that make 20 Facebook posts a day to tell us about every little detail of their lives.
They had everything handed to them and as such, became self absorbed because of it, and constantly needing instant gratification.
It becomes ingrained into their personality, and they're the women that even still in their 30s are in clubs getting wasted and trying to pick up dudes my age (I hate nightclubs personally, but people I know my age go and have cougars try to pick them up

This type of music fits into a tee with that kind of personality.
It's the "Me me me" thing, the "I want it now! NOW!" thing.
Nothing except themselves are important, and such, music isn't important to them either.
It all fits in well with the "go go go" society where we have become surrounded by fast food, microwave oven meals, reality TV shows and lame comedy and action movies. And topped off by music that gives you an instant hit, music that doesn't take at least 100 listens to truly hear at least some of the details, and then for every time you hear it after that, you never truly stop hearing all the little details.
It's why I have been listening to Night is the New Day almost every day for the last few months and why I was listening to Buried the Buried and Me's "Colors" album literally everyday for months after I bought it, because it just offers so much depth.
The mediocre film you'll probably just watch once, perhaps feel it when it's on, and when it's over, that's it
A truly great film is one that can leave a shiver down your spine well after it's ended and one you keep thinking about months after you seen it, and one you can watch over and over again to pick out the details.
I know after having heard some truly great albums for the first time, for about an hour after it ended just sitting their in disbelief at how good it was, and the emotions were still running through me.
A truly great meal you can take the time to cook, has taken a backseat to fast food. And as a result health has taken a back seat.
I could easily sit on my ass, not exercise ever, eat fast food all day, quit playing guitar, studying up on my favorite hobbies I obsess, but it's too easy really.
The instant gratification is what I truly hate about today's society.
I actually take care of my physical health, eat well and engage in fairly introverted activities like studying a lot and playing guitar everyday. All things that make feel good in the LONG term.
At times I just feel like I don't even fit into society, because I'm not the current norm of being fat, egotistical, self absorbed and having everything handed to me.