For all you online gamers...

For those of you who have no clue what we're all going on about:

This was a skit done by the Dead Alewives, and someone made a Summoner short out of the audio. I first heard it when I was in HS and still playing AD&D fairly regularly. What's sad is, this isn't too far off from what my gaming group sounded like during a session.

I don't play MMORPGS (Unless you want to count Horse Isle, lol) but after having observed my undergrad friends game online, the TV show clip Glenn posted doesn't seem too far off, either. :D
For those of you who have no clue what we're all going on about:

This was a skit done by the Dead Alewives, and someone made a Summoner short out of the audio. I first heard it when I was in HS and still playing AD&D fairly regularly. What's sad is, this isn't too far off from what my gaming group sounded like during a session.

omfg, that was FUNNY.